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IfM Bonn News

External publicationsAttractiveness of vocational education in India

What role do polytechnics play in the educational and career opportunities of young adults in India? Sebastian Schneider's research shows that polytechnics are becoming increasingly important because they teach practical and theoretical content.


Participation in external eventsSkills shortage in the Mittelstand

Dr Siegrun Brink presented the "Future Panel Mittelstand 2022" at the Green Business Dialogue in mid-May to show how much the shortage of skilled workers currently affects the Mittelstand companies.


Participation in external eventsWorking in the Mittelstand

Who belongs to the Mittelstand? What fields of work can be found in the Mittelstand companies? To what extent might business studies be interesting for school leavers? At the stand of the IfM Bonn and the Chair of Management of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises & Entrepreneurship, visitors to the …


Press releaseYoung bosses in their own companies

Underaged founders are between 15 and 17 years old, predominantly male and have above-average academic performance. They often pursue a business idea with digital connections in IT services or online trade.


IfM PublicationsSustainability and digitalisation in young and established companies

Do start-ups and established companies differ regarding their sustainability efforts and the extent of their digitalisation?


Participation in external eventsPandemic survived, ecological transformation in view

The economic effects of the Russian invasion of Ukraine are currently challenging small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) after the restrictions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021. These led to high price increases in energy costs, especially in the summer and autumn of 2022, which …


Participation in external eventsEffects of self-employment on the partnership

Dr Stefan Schneck presented his research results on the behaviour of self-employed people in their business and private life at the 43rd conference of the Eurasia Business and Economic Society (EBES), which took place in mid-April in Madrid.


Press releaseLimited resources, bureaucracy and a shortage of skilled labour limit SMEs' ecological efforts

More than three out of four small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) expect their businesses to be affected by climate change's consequences, including extreme weather events and the transition to a more sustainable economy. Among large enterprises, almost 90 % share this view. More than 1,300 …


Press releaseResponsible ownership does not facilitate the search for successors

"Introducing the legal form "GmbH-gebV" in Germany, comparable with the English LLC but with ‘tied assets‘, does not lead to longer-lasting companies – as the legal form initiators claimed. On the contrary: The legal form would complicate finding a successor since prospective buyers would have to …


Guests at the IfMWhat motivates innovative founders

Felix Becker (University of Siegen) presented the results of his paper "The Interplay of Entrepreneurial Personality and Startup Innovativeness - The Mediation Effect of Technology Adoption" at the IfM Bonn Forum in early April.


Press release65 years at the service of the Mittelstand – 65 years IfM Bonn

What are the challenges now and in the future for the Mittelstand? When are political support measures for the Mittelstand meaningful and important – even if a regulatory approach is to be favoured in general like in the spirit of Ludwig Erhard?


Guests at the IfMSome insights into succession counselling

Dr Rainer Ammon, Calandi GmbH, reported on the procedure for consulting entrepreneurs in the succession process at the IfM-Forum end of March.


Press releaseStart-ups in the liberal professions are attractive

In 2022, start-up activity increased in the liberal professions by 5% compared with the previous year. In contrast, start-up activities in the commercial sector stagnated (-0.3 %), especially among farmers and foresters - they even decreased (-6.5 %).


Participation in external eventsConsidering the burden of bureaucracy concerning small businesses

Policymakers should focus even more on reducing bureaucracy in small businesses. Part of this is to give much more consideration to indirect costs in legislation.


Press releaseFit for change?!

"Mittelstand companies are facing various challenges. Simultaneously, they are already actively shaping the transformation to a digital and sustainable economy through their ideas, innovations, and commitment. Therefore, it is Mittelstand policy's job to support them on this path,"
