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IfM Bonn News

External publicationsFormal and informal influences on entrepreneurship

Sowohl Vorgaben als auch Anreize von Institutionen spielen eine wichtige Rolle bei der Entwicklung von Unternehmertum. Ebenso beeinflussen aber auch beispielsweise ungeschriebene Regeln und Werte in einem Land unternehmerisches Handeln


External publicationsAn excellent paper on resource mobilisation in peripheral locations

The article "It's right nearby: how entrepreneurs use spatial bricolage to overcome resource constraints" (Free Access) by Prof. Dr Steffen Korsgaard, Ass. Prof. Sabine Müller and Prof. Dr Friederike Welter has been awarded the title "highly recommended" by the editors of "Entrepreneurship & …


Press releaseThe COVID-19 pandemic has doubled the share of innovation-active companies

The earlier companies reacted with innovations to the economic challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, the better they survived the crisis. It hardly mattered whether they initiated business model, product, service or process innovations.


External publicationsFreelance start-ups with employees are more stable

In the liberal professions, 57.7 out of 100 newly founded companies with at least one dependent employee in 2015 were still on the market in 2020 - in contrast, only 46.6 were based on the economy as a whole.


External publicationsStudy shows for the first time individual bureaucratic burdens in mechanical and plant engineering

Bureaucratic obligations have become a considerable burden for industrial SMEs, which also threatens to slow down investments. And the great amount of demands put upon companies continues to grow. A recent study by IfM – the „Institut für Mittelstandsforschung“ in Bonn – commissioned by the IMPULS …


Press releaseKrisenerfahrung kann das Baugewerbe für die bevorstehenden Herausforderungen stärken

Die wirtschaftlichen Folgen des russischen Angriffskrieges gegen die Ukraine und der Energiepreiskrise treffen das Baugewerbe aktuell sehr stark. Die Bauwirtschaft hat bislang wenige Krisen von einer solchen Dimension meistern müssen.


Press releaseMany hybrid self-employed benefit from their permanent employment

Most hybrid self-employed (90 %) focus their work on a dependent activity – for nearly every ten hybrid self-employed, self-employment is the primary activity. "The majority of hybrid self-employed is probably able to make sufficient provisions for their old age," reports IfM researcher Dr Olivier …


Press releaseCompanies with real estate and in the liberal professions achieve the highest disposal assets profits

In the liberal professions, the average disposal asset profit has risen continuously since 2001. The positive trend in agriculture and forestry began after the global financial and economic crisis in 2010.


IfM PublicationsIn focus: EU regulation to promote sustainable financing

 The collection of sustainability information is becoming increasingly important in many small and medium-sized enterprises. Due to European Union (EU) requirements, much of this information will have to be published in the future. It is also becoming increasingly important when taking out loans.


Participation in external eventsConsidering the bureaucratic burden on smaller enterprises

The Mittelstand businesses still perceive an increasing bureaucratic burden despite various instruments and initiatives by politicians to reduce bureaucracy. Prof Dr Welter recommended in her keynote speech at an event of the SPD Economic Forum at the end of November that the consequences of …


Participation in external eventsIfM research results at RENT 2022

Mittelstand enterprises not only make a significant social contribution in times of crisis but also generally contribute to the sustainability and resilience of regions.


External publicationsFamily businesses versus crises

Family businesses in Europe are currently facing many challenges. How can they master them and how can Mittelstand policy support them?


Participation in external eventsInnovativeness of SMEs during the pandemic

How innovative are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in times of crisis? How do this impact economic development and the social contribution of SMEs?


Participation in external eventsImpact of the crisis on the Mittelstand

How did the Mittelstand perform during the two Corona years? Which challenges are the companies currently facing? What strategies are they using to cope with the crises?


Press releaseGovernment measures aided Mittelstand companies in the COVID-19 crisis

Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (KMU) sowie Familienunternehmen – auch als Mittelstand bezeichnet – waren insgesamt wirtschaftlich stärker von der Corona-Krise betroffen als große und nicht-mittelständische Unternehmen.
