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SME definition of the IfM Bonn

The IfM Bonn defines small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) by referring to quantitative criteria, i.e. annual turnover (≤ €50 million) and the number of employees (< 500 employees). For the subgroups of small and micro enterprises, lower threshold values apply (cf. the definition below).

Since 2016, the IfM Bonn's SME definition is now mostly harmonised with the equivalent of the European Commission. The only remaining difference is the higher employment threshold for medium-sized enterprises (499 compared to 249 employees). The difference reflects the enterprise structure in Germany, marked by on average larger company sizes than in the EU.

SME definition of the IfM Bonn since 1 January 2016

Enterprise sizeNumber of Employees   andTurnover in €
Microup to 9 up to 2 million
Small*up to 49 up to 10 million
Medium-sized*up to 499 up to 50 million
SME (overall)       under 500 up to 50 million
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