Crisis resistance in the SME sector
This research area investigates what characterizes a crisis-resistant SME sector - and how this crisis resistance can be achieved. The studies examine the role of innovation and digitalization, entrepreneurial, company-bound and regional resilience as well as aspects of the future orientation of SMEs with regard to their crisis resilience.
2 Results
Crisis resilience in Mittelstand enterprises | 2025 Regional framework conditions for the survival of young businesses
Mittelstand enterprises are often deeply connected to their region, as they may be tied, e. g., to a specific location, local suppliers, and/or to the local sales market.
Crisis resilience in Mittelstand enterprises | 2024 Women as founders and entrepreneurs - causes of their persistent underrepresentation
Recently, the topic of family formation and entrepreneurial activity has gained public attention under the heading of maternity protection for the self-employed. The discussion of the largely absent social protection for self-employed women during pregnancy and maternity leave periods has revealed a glaring lack of fundamental knowledge.