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Mittelstand (SME) enterprises shape the digital change, but are also challenged by the digital transformation. One outstanding challenge is the rapid pace of technological development, which companies must adapt to survive. In the following dossiers, we do not only address the technological side, but also the consequences for corporate culture, organizational structures and strategic management.

The dossiers address, among others, the following questions: How do Mittelstand (SME) enterprises in Germany cope with the challenges associated with digitalisation? What are the major obstacles, and how do firms respond?

Please find below our contributions (some are currently only available in German language).

Further information

How Hidden Champions in the manufacturing industry use artifical intelligence

Digitisation processes of SMEs in the manufacturing sector – follow-up survey

Leadership Skills in the age of digitization – The context of the firm matters

Statistische Zahlen zur Digitalisierung der KMU im EU-Vergleich

Disruptive Innovationen: Chancen und Risiken für den Mittelstand

Business process digitization of SME in the manufacturing sector

Digitale Geschäftsmodelle – Chancen und Herausforderungen für den Mittelstand

Nutzung von Cloud-Computing im Verarbeitenden Gewerbe

Mittelstand versus Silicon Valley

Erfolgreich – und schillernd?

SMEs´ Responses to Potentially Disruptive Innovations: Does Strategic Entrepreneurship Provide an Explanation?

Video "Arbeiten mit Software 4.0"

Video "Arbeiten 4.0 in KMU"

Podcast "Mittelstand und Disruption"