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Mittelstand (SME) policy

Mittelstand (SME) enterprises are diverse: We observe a considerable heterogeneity in business models and industries, including crafts enterprises, service providers, liberal professions and industrial companies. Besides, the Mittelstand ranges from solo selfemployed to large (family) businesses. Also, the Mittelstand includes tech start-ups as well as established (innovative) firms. Therefore, the Mittelstand is not just a label for a few firms, but describes a heterogeneous and diverse universe of firms. The following documents have the objective to present ways to cope with this diversity when designing policy measures.

Please find below our contributions (some are currently only available in German language).

Further information

Mehr Verlässlichkeit wagen

Wie eine sozial-ökologische Marktwirtschaft gelingt

Die Einkommenssituation von hybriden Selbstständigen

Dashboard Geopolitical Developments and Brexit have an impact on German foreign trade"

Companies in Germany Mainly Fear Geopolitical Crises

Companies in Germany Mainly Fear Geopolitical Crises

The EU's support measures for sustainable financing - implications for the Mittelstand

Social entrepreneurship

Enterprises perception of bureaucracy

"Mittelstand" companion and promotor of structural change

"Mittelstand" between facts and feelings"

"Mittelstand" policies in change

"Mittelstand" policies in practice - Business framework policy or funding policy

Wirtschaftspolitische Implikationen der Gründungsforschung

Reform of the points of single contact (PSCc)

Neue Ansätze für die Mittelstandspolitik – Impulse von internationalen Good-Practice-Beispielen

"Die Vielfalt sehen"

"Mittelstand versus Silicon Valley"

Die Renaissance des Protektionismus: Auswirkungen auf KMU

Regional start-up environments exemplified by selected hotspots

Times are a Changin'? The Emergence of New Firms and Rank Persistence

Mind the Gap: Institutional and Individual Antecedents of Entrepreneurial Trajectories in the Academic Context

Chartbook "Mittelstand Future Panel 2024"

Early detection of threats and opportunities – Developing an early detection concept

SME-friendly organisation of public procurement

Maternity benefits for self-employed women

The underrepresentation of women in entrepreneurship

The role of family businesses and female-led family business in the economy