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IfM Bonn News

IfM PublicationsEstimating potential vulnerability of climate risks

Which factors influence how managers in Germany perceive the threat of climate risks for their companies?


Press releasePractice checks are a useful approach to reducing bureaucracy

According to a survey of the IfM Bonn eight out of ten business owners see their enjoyment of entrepreneurial activity disappear due to the current bureaucratic burden.


Press releaseEconomic policy after the election: less state control, a simplified tax system and improving the education system

The clear majority of managing directors in the Mittelstand companies hope that the new federal government will provide good and reliable framework conditions – and fewer controlling directives.


Guests at the IfMEntrepreneurship and Creativity

How can creativity and entrepreneurship be combined upholding the values of sustainability and community?


External publicationsDo public childcare services promote start-ups?

Does public childcare provision have an impact on women’s and men’s start-up activities in Germany? Dr Rosemarie Kay, Dr Teita Bijedić-Krumm, Dr Siegrun Brink and Dr Sebastian Nielen explore this question in their chapter "Public childcare – a neglected element of entrepreneurship ecosystems?".


Press releaseFriederike Welter confirmed as President of the IfM Bonn

Friederike Welter, Professor of Economics in Siegen, has been confirmed as President of the IfM Bonn for a further six-year term.


Participation in external eventsMore investment in Mittelstand companies

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Friederike Welter pointed out that investment activity in Mittelstand companies could be promoted by sorting out the labyrinth of investment subsidies and thinning them out.


PodcastsPodcast of the IfM Bonn on the AI challenge for Mittelstand businesses

What opportunities does artificial intelligence (AI) offer small and medium-sized enterprises? What framework conditions favour its application in companies?


Participation in external eventsOnly a paradigm shift will permanently reduce the administrative burden

The administrative burden increased by 14 percentage points between 2018 and 2022, according to studies by the IfM Bonn.


Guests at the IfMVenture capital and sustainability

Venture capital business are increasingly integrating sustainability criteria into their investment decisions. That is why the topic is also becoming a greater focus of research.


IfM PublicationsBossy at work – and at home

Self-employed people are not only bossy at work, but also in their own partnerships. Dr. Stefan Schneck comes to this conclusion based on a panel evaluation


Participation in external eventsMittelstand in the Future

What is the significance of ecological constraints and systems competition for economic policy?


Press releaseThe main challenges in 2024: shortage of skilled workers and increasing competitive pressure

The topic of "skilled employees/demographic development" remains the main challenge for all companies. But the results vary depending on the size and sector of the company and its level of digitalisation. The shortage of skilled workers is particularly significant for larger companies and those in …


Participation in external eventsFostering innovation in regions with structural deficits

Is it possible to develop indicators for better measuring innovation in small businesses – and can these policy measures be used in disadvantaged regions?


Participation in external eventsIfM at RENT 2024

How do the start-up ecosystem and start-up activity in a region influence each other in the short, medium and long term, and what can be done for regional economic policy?
