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IfM Bonn News

PodcastsDoing business under difficult conditions – These framework conditions help entrepreneurs

Currently, we are living in a time of multiple crises making the environment chal-lenging for entrepreneurs. In the podcast, renowed researchers from all over Europe present their research results about the framework conditions that entrepreneurs need to cope with their current situation.


Guests at the IfMHow managers can be emotionally supported

Prof Dr David B. Audretsch (Indiana University/USA) and Maha Aly presented the Institute of Entrepreneurial Emotional Education & Research, which they founded at Indiana University in Bloomington (USA), at the IfM Science Forum at the beginning of March.


External publicationsSocial innovations are also important

The Commission of Experts for Research and Innovation (Expertenkommission Forschung und Innovation-EFI), including Prof Dr Dr h.c. Friederike Welter, presented its annual report to Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Federal Research Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger today.


External publicationsNo gender differences in succession planning

Whether a business succession is planned or completed does not depend on the owner's gender. This is the result of Dr Rosemarie Kay, Dr André Pahnke and Prof. Dr Dr h.c. Friederike Welter in their book chapter "Family business succession: do outcomes depend on the predominant gender on the …


IfM PublicationsParadigm shift for a noticeable bureaucracy reduction

Despite many government initiatives to reduce bureaucracy, companies perceive an increasing burden.


Press releaseSMEs in Germany are larger in comparison to the European average – and use more often Artificial Intelligence

In small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Germany, an average of 6.8 employees work, significantly more than the EU average of 3.5 employees.


Guests at the IfMFormer Chairman of the Regulatory Control Council (NKR) at IfM Bonn

According to a recent survey by IfM Bonn, nine out of ten managers have noticed an increasing bureaucratic burden over the past five years despite the numerous initiatives of the Federal Government.


Das Foto spielt mit den Begriffen Im- und Export

News & UpdatesForeign business activities under the influence of geopolitical crises

How are the foreign activities of companies in Germany developing? Which countries are gaining in importance for companies in Germany because of the geopolitical crises? Dr André Pahnke gave answers at the GIZ in Bonn at the beginning of February.


IfM PublicationsRegional entrepreneurship and economic growth

Is there a correlation between GDP per capita growth and start-up rates in urban and rural regions? Dr Christian Dienes, Dr Stefan Schneck and Hans-Jürgen Wolter examine this question in their current working paper "Regional Entrepreneurship: Pain or Gain for Economic Growth?".


IfM PublicationsBusiness angels as a financing option for company succession

Business angels not only support the financing of start-ups but also company acquisitions by private individuals. In their policy brief, Prof Dr Alexander Pöschl and Isabella Mai (both Saarland University of Applied Sciences/Saarbrücken) outline the potential of this form for succession financing.


Participation in external eventsHow politics can overcome the gender gap in entrepreneurship

What could economic policy do to reduce the gender gap in entrepreneurship? Dr Armgard Wippler, Solène Le Coz-Fortis, Irish entrepreneur Sinead Lonergan, Dr Teita Bijedić-Krumm, Marie Eloy and Maura McAdam discussed this question at an online OECD event at the end of January.


Participation in external eventsResearch discussion on globalisation and climate risks

How are medium-sized industrial companies affected by the current geopolitical crises? How does this affect their foreign activities? Dr André Pahnke gave answers to these questions in his lecture "Development trends in global value chains from the perspective of Mittelstand companies" as part of …


External publicationsCompetitive market structures in equity crowdfunding

Digital financial platforms that crowdfund equity for entrepreneurs have emerged globally. Nevertheless, the question still remains as to how scalable the business models of these platforms are and how much competition the market allows compared to other digital markets.


Participation in external eventsThe gender gap in Entrepreneurship

Women are still underrepresented among the self-employed in Germany as well as in other European countries.


Participation in external eventsBureaucracy discussed in the state parliament committee

Dr Annette Icks answered questions posed by the parliamentary groups on the topic of "bureaucracy" at a meeting of the Committee on Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Protection and Energy in the North Rhine-Westphalian state parliament in mid-January.
