Ongoing institutional research
IfM Bonn's research activities focus on the preparation of scientific studies on SMEs and expert reports on current economic policy issues. In addition to institutionally funded projects, third-party funded projects are also carried out, often in cooperation with other institutes. The studies can be thematically assigned to the four research areas "SME data pool", "Framework conditions conducive to SMEs", "SMEs (in) the future" and "Resilience in SMEs".
Please visit the following websites for further details (in German).
11 Results
Crisis resilience in Mittelstand enterprises | 2025 Regional framework conditions for the survival of young businesses
Mittelstand enterprises are often deeply connected to their region, as they may be tied, e. g., to a specific location, local suppliers, and/or to the local sales market.
The future of Mittelstand enterprises | 2025 How do inventions from universities find their way into SMEs?
Innovations drive structural change, generate jobs, and ensure that regions can emerge stronger from crises. SMEs, in particular, regard inventions developed within the framework of cooperations with universities as a promising source of innovation.
The future of Mittelstand enterprises | 2025 Opportunities of Artificial Intelligence for safeguarding the provision of skilled employees in Mittelstand enterprises
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is expected to have a significant impact on the labour market due to its wide range of economic applications. AI is widely recognised as having the potential to both replace workers and skilled employees and create new jobs and work fields.
Framework conditions supporting SMEs | 2025 Impacts of international crises on Mittelstand enterprises' access to foreign markets and resources
Minimising risks related to international trade is regarded as a key challenge for the German economy, alongside the "green and digital transformation" and demographic change.
Data pool "Mittelstand“ | 2025 Company transfers 2026-2030
Due to the lack of official statistics, IfM Bonn has been estimating the number of upcoming company transfers in Germany at regular intervals since the mid-1990s. The next estimate is scheduled for 2025.
Data pool "Mittelstand“ | 2024 Continuous update of SME-relevant data and facts
The core tasks of this research area include the periodic collection and preparation of data and facts specific to business start-ups and different company sizes. In addition to the updating of sector-specific statistics, key SME indicators, sectoral data and regional data are regularly compiled.
Crisis resilience in Mittelstand enterprises | 2024 Women as founders and entrepreneurs - causes of their persistent underrepresentation
Recently, the topic of family formation and entrepreneurial activity has gained public attention under the heading of maternity protection for the self-employed. The discussion of the largely absent social protection for self-employed women during pregnancy and maternity leave periods has revealed a glaring lack of fundamental knowledge.
The future of Mittelstand enterprises | 2024 Speeding up approval procedures
Many small and medium-sized businesses experience a dual transformation that involves significant investments in modernization and expansion. However, realizing these changes often requires going through lengthy and complex planning and approval processes, despite the promise of legal certainty.
The future of Mittelstand enterprises | 2024 Development of a foresight process for "SMEs"
The current multiple and, in some cases, unexpectedly occurring crises pose significant challenges for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and SME policies. The task of applied SME research is to identify new challenges for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) at an early stage, enabling policymakers to make proactive decisions in support of the SME sector.
Framework conditions supporting SMEs | 2024 Practice Checks for Medium-Sized Businesses
The federal government aims to relieve businesses by reducing unnecessary bureaucracy. The current coalition agreement (p. 26) outlines the intention to "develop a systematic procedure for reviewing the bureaucratic effort of laws and regulations, involving stakeholders regularly (practice check)."
Framework conditions supporting SMEs | 2024 Regulatory framework conditions for a future-oriented SME policy
The Climate Protection Act stipulates that Germany must achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045. This goal is to be reached in an economically efficient manner, which is in general best achieved through a forward-looking realignment of the relevant framework conditions.