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Datenpool "Mittelstand" | 2024 Continuous update of SME-relevant data and facts

Ongoing research project

Regular tasks

Among the central tasks of the program area are the periodic identification and processing of data and facts specific to start-ups and company sizes. In 2021, IfM Bonn expanded its comprehensive reporting on start-up activities by adding a detailed regional component and establishing a comprehensive regional database. This regional database is intended to be continued, meaning it should be expanded with additional features of regional startup ecosystems as well as additional annual data sets. This is a prerequisite for conducting short-term, detailed regional analyses of startup activities and ecosystems.

In addition to maintaining sector statistics (e.g., foreign and innovation activities, R&D, and bankruptcies), key figures for SMEs (e.g., number of companies, employees, and apprentices), sectoral data (e.g., number of family businesses), and regional data (New Entrepreneurial Initiative: NUI Indicator) are regularly determined. In addition, there is an internationally comparative SME statistics, including the status of digitization. Furthermore, selected results from the Microcensus (e.g., development of the self-employment rate) are processed and interpreted, and data on self-employed individuals in liberal professions are prepared. In the future, small-scale surveys on current topics/challenges will also be conducted.