Regular tasks
The core tasks of this research area include the periodic collection and preparation of data and facts specific to business start-ups and different company sizes. In addition to the updating of sector-specific statistics (e.g., internationalisation and innovation activities, R&D, and insolvencies), key SME indicators (e.g., the number of enterprises, employees, and apprentices), sectoral data (e.g., the number of family businesses), and regional data (e.g., the NUI indicator on new entrepreneurial initiative) are regularly compiled.
This also includes internationally comparative SME statistics, covering various aspects such as the current state of digitalisation. Furthermore, selected results of the microcensus (e.g., trends in self-employment rates) are processed and interpreted, along with data on self-employed in the liberal professions.
In 2021, IfM Bonn expanded its extensive reporting on start-up activities by adding a detailed regional component and established a comprehensive regional database. This regional database will be continued and developed further, i.e., it will be supplemented by additional characteristics of regional start-up ecosystems as well as by further annual data sets. This forms the basis for short-term, detailed regional analyses of start-up activities and ecosystems.
Starting in 2025, IfM Bonn will establish a data pool on women as entrepreneurs and founders, which will be made available to its founders to feed their information needs.
The supply of statistical information is complemented by a biannual analysis of the SAFE dataset ("SME Barometer") and the conduct of own short surveys on current policy topics and challenges.