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IfM Bonn News

PodcastsWhy The EU internal market is important for the international companies in Germany

Many Mittelstand enterprises are involved in global value chains as suppliers – or even as lead companies. Due to the growing geopolitical crises, this integration becoming increasingly risky.


Press releaseIncrease corporate acceptance through targeted climate regulation

Überwiegend herrscht in den mittelständischen Unternehmen in Deutschland Konsenz darüber, dass es der ökologischen Transformation bedarf. Aktuell besteht jedoch die Gefahr, dass ein zu hoher Detaillierungsgrad sowie eine überbordende Zertifizierungspflicht zu Ausweichstrategien führen könnten.


Press releaseMore startups in agriculture, forestry and in the liberal professions, fewer in the commercial sector

Im vergangenen Jahr starteten mehr Gründerinnen und Gründer in der Land- und Forstwirtschaft (+ 4,5 %) sowie in den freien Berufen (+ 1,7 %) als in 2022. Dagegen sanken die Existenzgründungen im gewerblichen Bereich geschätzt um 5 %.


Participation in external eventsOptions for overcoming the skills shortage

Managers surveyed for the Mittelstand Panel 2023 identified the shortage of skilled workers as their biggest challenge in 2023, just as they did in 2021 and 2022.


Participation in external eventsReducing bureaucracy efficiently

Dr Annette Icks and Michael Holz believe that a paradigm shift in politics is needed to efficiently reduce bureaucracy. They presented their findings at an event organised by the New Social Market Economy Initiative in Berlin on 22 May.


Participation in external eventsFocus on start-up research

What characterises an entrepreneur? What are the basic needs for start-ups?


Participation in external eventsActivating economic policy preferred

How can economic and financial policy measures strengthen growth potential in the long-term? Does the risk exist that structural change and transformation will lead to deindustrialisation in Germany?


Press releaseFewer obstacles for the Mittelstand!

Dr Constantin Terton (German Confederation of Skilled Crafts; ZDH) called for a return to the social market economy and a focus on the values of individual responsibility and performance orientation at today's Mittelstand Roundtable in Berlin ...


AwardsIfM-Präsidentin got the Floriansplakette

Handwerk NRW e.V. and the Düsseldorf Chimney Sweep Guild have today in Düsseldorf awarded Prof. Dr Dr h.c. Friederike Welter with the Florianplakette.


IfM PublicationsHow public procurement is becoming more SME-friendly

Public procurement law will be amended in the current legislative period in order to promote both the legal certainty of award decisions as well as SME-friendliness.


Participation in external eventsIn the interests of companies: The Succession planning

How do the many challenges currently facing SMEs affect the succession process? Does the younger generation lack the courage to be entrepreneurial?


External publicationsThe myth of ‘Silicon Valley’?

Der Wirtschaftsraum Silicon Valley gilt als vorbildlich. Immer wieder zieht er Führungskräfte, politisch Verantwortliche und Forschende an, die das kalifornische Erfolgsgeheimnis erkunden – und im besten Fall auch in ihrem Land umsetzen möchten. Doch ist das Silicon Valley wirklich so vorbildlich – …


Participation in external eventsIfM-researchers at the EBES-Conference

Dr Christian Dienes, Dr Stefan Schneck and Hans-Jürgen Wolter have found that the influence of start-ups on per capita economic growth tends to decrease in urban areas, while it increases in rural areas.


Guests at the IfMBoys’ Day at the IfM Bonn

What are the career opportunities for a schoolboy interested in maths at a research institute?


Press releaseMore process and product innovations in Germany than the EU average

More than every third company (36%) developed new products, imitated innovations from competitors, or further developed their own products between 2018 and 2020. While the majority (63%) of companies with more than 250 employees did so, only every third small enterprise and 44% of medium-sized …
