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IfM Bonn News

External publicationsWhat resilient entrepreneurs characterise

Are entrepreneurs able to prepare themselves for crises? Which aspects are relevant to entrepreneurial resilience?


© David Ausserhofer

External publicationsA new era is also needed in innovation policy

The Commission of Experts for Research and Innovation (Expertenkommission Forschung und Innovation-EFI), including Prof Dr Friederike Welter (IfM Bonn/University of Siegen), presented its annual report to Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Federal Research Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger today.


External publicationsWhat the entrepreneurial intentions of German university scientists promote

To what extent do working conditions, networks, and institutional offerings impact university staff’s willingness to start a business?


Participation in external eventsIfM researcher informed Normenkontrollrat

About 3 % of a company's turnover with 125 employees in the mechanical and plant engineering sector is tied up annually by the fulfilment of bureaucratic obligations. The figure is more than one per cent for a large company with a turnover of 239.5 million euros.


Guests at the IfMJapanese representatives informed about innovation policy

How does the innovation system in Germany support small and medium-sized companies? What role do universities and Fraunhofer Institutes play in SMEs' innovation activities, and to what extent does dual the dual education system contribute to their economic success?


External publicationsFormal and informal influences on entrepreneurship

Sowohl Vorgaben als auch Anreize von Institutionen spielen eine wichtige Rolle bei der Entwicklung von Unternehmertum. Ebenso beeinflussen aber auch beispielsweise ungeschriebene Regeln und Werte in einem Land unternehmerisches Handeln


External publicationsAn excellent paper on resource mobilisation in peripheral locations

The article "It's right nearby: how entrepreneurs use spatial bricolage to overcome resource constraints" (Free Access) by Prof. Dr Steffen Korsgaard, Ass. Prof. Sabine Müller and Prof. Dr Friederike Welter has been awarded the title "highly recommended" by the editors of "Entrepreneurship & …


Press releaseThe COVID-19 pandemic has doubled the share of innovation-active companies

The earlier companies reacted with innovations to the economic challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, the better they survived the crisis. It hardly mattered whether they initiated business model, product, service or process innovations.


External publicationsFreelance start-ups with employees are more stable

In the liberal professions, 57.7 out of 100 newly founded companies with at least one dependent employee in 2015 were still on the market in 2020 - in contrast, only 46.6 were based on the economy as a whole.


External publicationsStudy shows for the first time individual bureaucratic burdens in mechanical and plant engineering

Bureaucratic obligations have become a considerable burden for industrial SMEs, which also threatens to slow down investments. And the great amount of demands put upon companies continues to grow. A recent study by IfM – the „Institut für Mittelstandsforschung“ in Bonn – commissioned by the IMPULS …


Press releaseKrisenerfahrung kann das Baugewerbe für die bevorstehenden Herausforderungen stärken

Die wirtschaftlichen Folgen des russischen Angriffskrieges gegen die Ukraine und der Energiepreiskrise treffen das Baugewerbe aktuell sehr stark. Die Bauwirtschaft hat bislang wenige Krisen von einer solchen Dimension meistern müssen.


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PodcastsQuestions and answers about business succession

The IfM researchers estimate that by 2026, around 38,000 companies will be up for transfer each year because their owners are retiring from management due to age, illness or death.


PodcastsCovid 19: What can we learn from SME policy in other European countries

Since 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic has affected SMEs worldwide in unprecedented ways. Seven renowned entrepreneurship researchers from all over Europe presented their research at the IfM Bonn-organised International Roundtable on SMEs at the end of 2021.


PodcastsSMEs in Europe after the pandemic and in view of the Green Deal

The Covid pandemic has been challenging SMEs in Europe for 2 years. What conclusions can be drawn from dealing with the pandemic for future challenges such as digitalisation and sustainable business?


PodcastsHow to counteract bureaucratic frustration

Businesses criticise the high density of regulation repeatedly, and they also question the sense of many bureaucratic regulations.
