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IfM Bonn News

Press releaseStart-ups in the liberal professions are attractive

In 2022, start-up activity increased in the liberal professions by 5% compared with the previous year. In contrast, start-up activities in the commercial sector stagnated (-0.3 %), especially among farmers and foresters - they even decreased (-6.5 %).


Participation in external eventsConsidering the burden of bureaucracy concerning small businesses

Policymakers should focus even more on reducing bureaucracy in small businesses. Part of this is to give much more consideration to indirect costs in legislation.


Press releaseFit for change?!

"Mittelstand companies are facing various challenges. Simultaneously, they are already actively shaping the transformation to a digital and sustainable economy through their ideas, innovations, and commitment. Therefore, it is Mittelstand policy's job to support them on this path,"


Participation in external eventsFocus on old-age provision and business sales

At the conference "Die soziale Absicherung von Risiken bei selbstständiger und hybrider Erwerbstätigkeit" at the University of Vechta, Dr Rosemarie Kay and Dr Olivier Butkowski explored the question of whether social risk protection is a particular challenge for the hybrid self-employed.


Participation in external eventsEntrepreneurship in Context

Contextual research has become important within entrepreneurship research over the past 20 years. This is not least due to Prof. Dr Friederike Welter.


Participation in external eventsImplications of the EU regulation on sustainability reporting

What are the implications of the EU regulation on sustainability reporting for SMEs? Dr Jonas Löher answered this question at the event "Sustainable Finance – How the EU taxonomy affects SMEs " of the IHK Südlicher Oberrhein in Freiburg.


PodcastsThe Mittelstand and the Green Deal

Greenhouse gas emissions in Europe will be reduced by 55% by 2030 compared to 1990. Business enterprises play an important role in this. However, although they are, in principle, willing to do business more sustainably, the green transformation remains a challenge.


IfM PublicationsHybrid self-employed with a midi-job at advantage

Hybrid self-employed whose salary in paid employment is above the mini-job limit but within a so-called transitional range (so-called “midi-jobbers”) and who at the same time earn positive income from self-employment are at an advantage over midi-jobbers who are exclusively paid employees.


Mittelstand und Digitalisierung

News & UpdatesHow the digital transformation is defining the image of the Mittelstand

Which narratives do media create of the Mittelstand in Germany in the course of the digital transformation? Prof. Dr Friederike Welter (IfM Bonn/ University of Siegen) and Dr Simone Schmid (University of Siegen) examine this question in their paper "In danger of being left behind? - Media narratives …


Policy Brief 01/2023

IfM PublicationsPositive regional effects

The entrepreneurial development process does not take place in a vacuum but is embedded in contexts such as the founder's residential area.


Ass.Prof. Sibel Özasir Kaḉar

Guests at the IfMNews guest researcher at IfM Bonn

Ass. Prof. Sibel Özasir Kaḉar from Radboud University in Nijmegen/Netherlands is conducting research together with researchers from the IfM Bonn as part of an ECSB programme since the beginning of March.


Guests at the IfMHow Women start up in China

Why do women set up businesses in China? What challenges do they face?


Participation in external eventsHigher bureaucratic costs for smaller companies

Around three per cent of the turnover of a small company (125 employees) in the mechanical and plant engineering sector is tied up in the fulfilment of direct bureaucratic duties. In a large company (3,500 employees), the tied-up costs are a good one per cent.


External publicationsWhat resilient entrepreneurs characterise

Are entrepreneurs able to prepare themselves for crises? Which aspects are relevant to entrepreneurial resilience?


© David Ausserhofer

External publicationsA new era is also needed in innovation policy

The Commission of Experts for Research and Innovation (Expertenkommission Forschung und Innovation-EFI), including Prof Dr Friederike Welter (IfM Bonn/University of Siegen), presented its annual report to Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Federal Research Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger today.
