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Facts and figures | 2021 Business size statistics 2019: Effects of the inclusion of persons in marginally employment in the business register on the SME key figures

The Federal Statistical Office has made methodological adjustments to the statistical business register that affect the SME share of the business stock, turnover and employment. The lowering of the so-called relevance threshold leads to an increase in the number of enterprises, especially small enterprises. The inclusion of marginally employed leads to a shift in the enterprise size structure, because the allocation of enterprises to enterprise size classes results in transitions to the next higher class. However, these shifts have only a minor and ultimately negligible effect on the respective SME shares. However, SMEs have a significantly higher share of low-paid employees than of employees subject to social security contributions, which increases their share of employment.

Braun, S.; Kay, R. (2021): Unternehmensgrößenstatistik 2019: Auswirkungen der Berücksichtigung geringfügig Beschäftigter im Unternehmensregister auf die KMU-Kennzahlen. IfM Bonn: Daten und Fakten Nr. 26, Bonn.


Simone Braun
Tel. +49 228 72997 65

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Rosemarie Kay
Tel. +49 228 7299730

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