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External publication | 2024 Collaborative innovation processes: An opportunity for successful dual transformation in the SME sector

The framework conditions under which SMEs innovate have been undergoing serious changes for some time now: The digital and green transformation is changing products, production and communication processes. This change, coupled with a growing shortage of skilled labour, is increasingly encouraging and demanding the development of collaborative innovations. This study examines such processes of Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with start-ups, other established SMEs and research institutions. The motives and challenges of collaborative innovation processes are analysed using the example of the circular economy.

Brink, S.; Löher, J.; Schröder, C. (2024): Kollaborative Innovationsprozesse. Eine Chance für die erfolgreiche doppelte Transformation im Mittelstand. in: Bertelsmann-Stiftung Focus Paper #17, Gütersloh.



Siegrun Brink
Tel. +49 228 7299746

Profile of Siegrun Brink

Dr. Jonas Löher
Tel. +49 228 7299768

Profile of Dr. Jonas Löher

Christian Schröder
Tel. +49 228 7299743

Profile of Christian Schröder