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External publication | 2022 Protection against discrimination and the promotion of diversity in the workplace

This study analyses the implementation of diversity and antisdiscrimination measures in companies, administrations and third sector organisations 15 years after introduction of the AGG and the establishment of the „Charta der Vielfalt.

The research focus on the question how employers and Human Resources Managers evaluate the law in practice an how they promote anti-discrimination and diversity measures in their organisational structures.

Icks, A.; Bijedić, T.;Kay, R.; Latzke, P.; Merx, A., unter Mitarbeit von Mappala, C. (2022): Der Schutz vor Diskriminierung und die Förderung personaler Vielfalt im Arbeitsleben, Studie im Auftrag der Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes (Hrsg.), Berlin 2022.



Annette Icks
Tel. +49 228 7299764

Profile of Annette Icks

Dr. Teita Bijedić
Tel. +49 228 7299742

Profile of Dr. Teita Bijedić

Rosemarie Kay
Tel. +49 228 7299730

Profile of Rosemarie Kay