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External publication | 2015 Selbstständigen-Monitor 2014: Self-employed in Germany 2011 to 2014

This report examines the development of the self-employed and start-ups in Germany in the period 2011 to 2014 on the basis of the microcensus. The total number of self-employed fell from 5,011,000 to 4,947,000 in the period under review. This decline is due to the relatively strong decrease in the number of self-employed in their first job (so-called main and additional employment). Contrary to this trend, the number of self-employed women in their main occupation has increased. The number of self-employed persons who carry out their self-employment in addition to a (mostly dependent) main occupation increased for both sexes.

Suprinovič, O.; Norkina, A. (2015): Selbstständigen-Monitor 2014: Selbstständige in Deutschland 2011 bis 2014, hrsg. Institut für Mittelstandsforschung Bonn, Statistisches Bundesamt, Bonn.


Olga Suprinovič
Tel. +49 228 7299758

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