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Policy Brief "Entrepreneurship in Focus" | 2021 Entrepreneurship and knowledge as drivers of regional development in East Germany

East German regions, which had a relatively high density of private enterprises and a high qualification level of the workforce at the end of the GDR era, coped relatively well within the abrupt transition to a market economy more than 30 years ago. In particular, these regions are characterised by intensive start-up activities. Entrepreneurship and the qualification of the labour force are key drivers of regional development in East Germany.

Fritsch, M.; Greve, M.; Wyrwich (2021:) Unternehmertum und Wissen als Treiber regionaler Entwicklung in Ostdeutschland, in: Förderkreis Gründungsforschung e.V. und IfM Bonn; Policy Brief "Unternehmertum im Fokus".