Crises have an accelerating effect on foundation processes. This is proven by the analysis of start-ups during the financial crisis of 2007/09 and could also apply in the Corona Pandemic. However, the duration of the start-up process is also determined by the degree of innovation, the industry as well as the country in which the start-ups was founded.
Policy Brief "Entrepreneurship in Focus" | 2020 Foundation processes and the effect of crises
Herrmann, A.; Löher, J.; Bijedić, T.; Nielen, S.; Schlömer-Laufen, N. (2020): Gründungsprozesse und der Einfluss von Krisen; in: Welter, F.; Block, J. (Hrsg.): Unternehmertum im Fokus, Ausgabe 02/20, Bonn.