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External publication | 2016 Family Business and Regional Science: Bridging the gap

The paper examines not only the regional role of family enterprises in terms of what family enterprises contribute to regional economic development, but also what influence the socio-spatial and institutional context has on entrepreneurial behavior and performance.

Stough, R., Welter, F.; Block, J.; Wennberg, K.; Basco, R. (2015): Family Business and Regional Science: Bridging the gap, in: Welter, F., Block, J.; Wennberg, K.; Basco, R., Stough, R. (2015): Family Business and Regional Development. Special Issue of Journal of Family Business Strategy, 6(4) 208–18.



Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Friederike Welter
Tel. +49 228 729970

Profile of Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Friederike Welter