President - Managing director Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Friederike Welter

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Since 2013, Prof. Dr. Friederike Welter, Member of Academia Europaea (MAE), is head of the Institut für Mittelstandsforschung (IfM) in Bonn (Germany), a policy-oriented independent research institute on small business and entrepreneurship issues ( She is also professor of Business Administration, esp. SME Management and Entrepreneurship, at the University of Siegen.
Friederike Welter has broad experiences in applied and policy-related research on entrepreneurship and small business, much of it in an international context. She is a member of several policy-related advisory boards for federal and state ministries and for international bodies in Germany.
She was President of the European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (2007-2009). For her work on small business and entrepreneurship, the economist received an honorary doctorate from the University of Glasgow in 2023 and was appointed as menber to the Ludwig Erhard Foundation. In 2021, she has been invited to become a member of Academia Europaea in 2021 and has been elected to the prestigious circle of 21st Century Entrepreneurship Research Fellows in 2020 and received the Greif Research Impact Award in 2017. She also has been honoured as Wilford L. White Fellows of the International Council of Small Business (ICSB, 2014) and as ECSB Fellow (2011).
The societal value creation of German Mittelstand
Schlepphorst, S.; Welter, F.; Holz, M. (2022): The societal value creation of German Mittelstand, in: IfM Bonn, IfM-Materialien Nr. 292, Bonn.
A Research Agenda for Entrepreneurship Policy
Smallbone, D.; Welter, F. (Hrsg., 2020): A Research Agenda for Entrepreneurship Policy, Cheltenham.
The societal impact of German Mittelstand: Conceptual considerations
Welter, F.; Schlepphorst, S.; unter Mitarbeit von Schneck, S.; Holz, M. (2020): Der gesellschaftliche Beitrag des Mittelstands: Konzeptionelle Überlegungen, IfM Bonn: IfM-Materialien Nr. 283, Bonn.
Contextualizing Entrepreneurship Theory
Baker, T.; Welter, F. (2020): Contextualizing Entrepreneurship Theory, New York, Abingdon.
How to Make your Doctoral Research Relevant
Welter, F.; Urbano, D. (eds., 2020): How to Make your Doctoral Research Relevant: Insights and Strategies for the Modern Research Environment, Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, DOI: 10.4337/9781788977616.
Entrepreneurial target systems: Are medium-sized companies really different from others?
Pahnke, A.; Holz, M.; Welter, F. (2019): Unternehmerische Zielsysteme: Unterscheiden sich mittelständische Unternehmen tatsächlich von anderen?, IfM Bonn: IfM-Materialien Nr. 276, Bonn.
Bureaucratic perception of companies
Holz, M.; Schlepphorst, S.; Brink, S.; Icks, A.; Welter, F. (2019): Bürokratiewahrnehmung von Unternehmen, IfM Bonn: IfM-Materialien Nr. 274, Bonn.
Entrepreneurship and Context
Welter, F. (2019): Entrepreneurship and Context, Cheltenham.
Women´s Entrepreneurship in Europe
Birkner, S.; Ettl., K.; Welter, F.; Ebbers, I. (Hrsg. 2018): Women´s Entrepreneurship in Europe. Multidimensional Research and Case Study Insights, FGF Studies in Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Heidelberg.
Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and Growth of Women´s Entrepreneurship
Manolova, T.; Brush, C.; Edelman, L.; Robb, A.; Welter, F. (Hrsg., 2017): Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and Growth of Women´s Entrepreneurship. A Comparative Analysis, Cheltenham.
Zukunftspanel Mittelstand 2017 - Update of an expert survey on current and future challenges of German medium-sized businesses
Kranzusch, P.; May-Strobl, E.; Levering, B.; Welter, F.; Ettl, K. (2017): Das Zukunftspanel Mittelstand 2017 – Update einer Expertenbefragung zu aktuellen und zukünftigen Herausforderungen des deutschen Mittelstands, IfM Bonn: IfM-Materialien Nr. 256, Bonn.
Women´s Entrepreneurship in Global and Local Contexts
Diaz-Garcia, C.; Brush, C.; Gatewood, E.; Welter, F. (Hrsg. 2016): Women´s Entrepreneurship in Global and Local Contexts, Elgar, Cheltenham/Northampton.
"The 21st century is female" - Women entrepreneurs in the press
Ettl, K.; Welter, F.; Achtenhagen, L. (2016): "Das 21. Jahrhundert ist weiblich" – Unternehmerinnen in der Presse , IfM Bonn: IfM-Materialien Nr. 249, Bonn.
Mittelstands policy in change
Welter, F.; Levering, B.; May-Strobl, E. (2016): Mittelstandspolitik im Wandel, IfM Bonn: IfM Materialien Nr. 247, Bonn.
A Research Agenda for Entrepreneurship and Context
Welter, F.; Gartner, W. (2016): A Research Agenda for Entrepreneurship and Context, Cheltenham.
Supporting Women Entrepreneurs in Germany
Bijedić, T.; Welter, F.; Halabisky, D. (2016): Supporting Women Entrepreneurs in Germany. Rapid Policy Assessments of Inclusive Entrepreneurship Policies and Programmes. Gutachten im Auftrag der OECD, Paris.
Italy – Key Issues and Policies
OECD (unter Mitwirkung von Holz, M.; Welter, F.) (2015): Italy – Key Issues and Policies. OECD Studies on SMEs and Entrepreneurship, Paris.
Mittelstand zwischen Fakten und Gefühl
Welter, F.; May-Strobl, E.; Holz, M.; Pahnke, A.; Schlepphorst, S.; Wolter, H.-J.; unter Mitarbeit von Kranzusch, P. (2015): Mittelstand zwischen Fakten und Gefühl, IfM Bonn: IfM-Materialien Nr. 234, Bonn.
Mittelstand im Wandel
Welter, F.; May-Strobl, E.; Wolter, H.-J. unter Mitarbeit von Günterberg, B. (2014): Mittelstand im Wandel, in: IfM Bonn, IfM-Materialien Nr. 232, Bonn.
The Routledge Companion to Entrepreneurship
Welter, F.; Baker, T. (Hrsg., 2014): The Routledge Companion to Entrepreneurship, Routledge, Abingdon.
Zukunftspanel Mittelstand - A survey of experts on the challenges facing medium-sized businesses
Welter, F.; May-Strobl, E.; Schlömer-Laufen, N.; Kranzusch, P.; Ettl, K. (2014): Das Zukunftspanel Mittelstand – Eine Expertenbefragung zu den Herausforderungen des Mittelstands, in: Institut für Mittelstandsforschung Bonn (Hrsg.): IfM-Materialien Nr. 229, Bonn.
EU Enlargement Effects on Cross-border Informal Entrepreneurial Activities
Xheneti, M., D. Smallbone & F. Welter (2013): EU Enlargement Effects on Cross-border Informal Entrepreneurial Activities. European Urban and Regional Studies, 20(3), 314-328.
Engine of success - focus on German medium-sized businesses
Welter, F.; Bijedić, T.; Brink; S. Kriwoluzky; S. (2014): Triebwerk des Erfolgs – der deutsche Mittelstand im Fokus, Auswertung der aktuellen Befragung 2014 im Auftrag von GE Capital Deutschland.
Concepts and effects of sustainable entrepreneurship
Maaß, F.; Chlosta, S.; Icks, A.; Welter, F. (2014): Konzepte und Wirkungen nachhaltigen Unternehmertums, in: Institut für Mittelstandsforschung Bonn (Hrsg.): IfM-Materialien Nr. 227, Bonn.
Gender, innovation and business development
Brink, S.; Kriwoluzky, S.; Bijedić, T.; Ettl, K.; Welter, F. (2014): Gender, Innovation und Unternehmensentwicklung, in: Institut für Mittelstandsforschung Bonn (Hrsg.): IfM-Materialien Nr. 228, Bonn.
Engine of success - focus on German medium-sized businesses
Welter, F.; Brink; S. Kriwoluzky; S. (2013): Triebwerk des Erfolgs – der deutsche Mittelstand im Fokus, Auswertung der aktuellen Befragung 2013 im Auftrag von GE Capital.
Entrepreneurial Business and Society
Welter, F.; Blackburn, R.; Ljunggren, E.; Åmo, B. W. (Hrsg.) (2013): Entrepreneurial Business and Society. Frontiers in European Entrepreneurship Research, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.
EU Enlargement Effects on Cross-border Informal Entrepreneurial Activities
Xheneti, M., D. Smallbon; F. Welter (2013): EU Enlargement Effects on Cross-border Informal Entrepreneurial Activities. European Urban and Regional Studies, 20(3), 314-328.
Handbook of Research on Enterprise Policies in Central and Eastern Europe
Welter, F; Smallbone, D. (Hrsg.) (2011): Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship Policies in Central and Eastern Europe, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.
Legitimacy of women entrepreneurs: forced to behave according to rules?
Schlepphorst, S.; Brink, S.: Welter, F. (2024): Legitimacy of women entrepreneurs: forced to behave according to rules?, in: C. Henry, J. Ballantine, S. Yousafzai, R. Narendran (Hrsg.), Women’s Entrepreneurship in a Turbulent Era, S. 169–188
How women-led businesses fared in the Covid-19 pandemic
Weicht, R.; Kay, R.; Rieger-Fels, M.; Welter, F. (2024): How women-led businesses fared in the Covid-19 pandemic, in: C. Henry, J. Ballantine, S. Yousafzai, R. Narendran (Hrsg.), Women’s Entrepreneurship in a Turbulent Era, S. 127–150.
Family business succession planning: Are the outcomes dependent on the predominant gender in the management board?
Kay, R.; Pahnke, A.; Welter, F. (2024): Family business succession planning: Are the outcomes dependent on the predominant gender in the management board?, in: IfM Bonn Working Paper 02/24, Bonn.
Legitimacy of women entrepreneurs: forced to behave according to rules?
Schlepphorst, S.; Brink, S.; Welter, F. (2024): Legitimacy of women entrepreneurs: forced to behave according to rules? In: C. Henry, J. Ballantine, S. Yousafzai, R. Narendran (Hrsg.), Women’s Entrepreneurship in a Turbulent Era, S. 169–188.
How women-led businesses fared in the Covid-19 pandemic
Weicht, R.; Kay, R.; Rieger-Fels, M.; Welter, F. (2024): How women-led businesses fared in the Covid-19 pandemic, in: Henry, C.; Ballantine, J.; Yousafzai, S.; Narendran, R. (Hrsg.): Women’s Entrepreneurship in a Tur-bulent Era, Cheltenham, S. 126-149.
Silicon Valley entrepreneurship – Revisiting a popular dream
Baker, T.; Welter, F. (2024): Silicon Valley entrepreneurship – Revisiting a popular dream, in: Journal of Business Venturing Insights, Volume 21,
Transformative R & I policy using the example of new technologies in agriculture and social innovations
Bertschek, I.; Bünstorf, G.; Cantner, U.; Häussler, C.; Requate, T.; Welter, F. (2024): Transformative F & I-Politik am Beispiel neuer Technologien in der Landwirtschaft und sozialer Innovationen, in Wirtschaftsdienst, Heft 4, S. 225-229.
Family business succession planning: Do outcomes depend on the predominant gender on the management board?
Kay, R.; Pahnke, A.; Welter, F. (2024): Family business succession planning: Do outcomes depend on the predominant gender on the management board?, in: Barrett, M.; Huybrechts, J.; Lee, J. (Eds.): Women in Family Business. New Perspectives, Contexts and Roles, Cheltenham: Elgar, S. 225-249.
A multi-voiced account of family entrepreneuring research: expanding the agenda of family entrepreneurship
Dajani, H., Welter, F. et al. (2023): A multi-voiced account of family entrepreneuring research: expanding the agenda of family entrepreneurship, in: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, online published only,
Health Economy in the Digital Transformation
Cantner, U.; Bertschek, I., Bünstorf, G.; Häussler, C.; Requate, T.; Welter, F. (2023): Gesundheitswirtschaft in der digitalen Transformation, in: Wirtschaftsdienst, 103 (7), S. 460-466.
The interplay of context and entrepreneurship: the new frontier for contextualisation research
Ben-Hafaïedh, C.; Xheneti, M.; Stenholm, P.; Blackburn, R; Welter, F., Urbano, D. (2023): The interplay of context and entrepreneurship: the new frontier for contextualisation research, in:. Small Business Economics (2023),
A highly innovative SME sector needs reliable framework conditions
Welter, F. (2023): Ein innovationsstarker Mittelstand braucht zuverlässige Rahmenbedingungen, in: Wirtschaftsforum der SPD e.V. (Hrsg.): Futurenomics – Zukunft des Geschäftsmodells und des Standorts Deutschland und Europa, S. 113-115.
In danger of being left behind?
Schmid, S.; Welter, F. (2023): In danger of being left behind? – Media narratives of the digital transformation in the German Mittelstand, in: Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, DOI: 10.1080/08985626.2023.2179669
Incentives, Values, and the Creation of Opportunities for Action and Interaction
Welter, F.; Xheneti, M. (2023): Incentives, Values, and the Creation of Opportunities for Action and Interaction, in: Dallago, B.; Casagrande, S. (Eds.): The Routledge Handbook of Comparative Economic Systems, S. 330-345.
Going from one crisis to the next? Family businesses in the 21st century
De Massis, A.; Sauka, A., Stephan, U.; Welter, F. (2022): Von einer Krise zur nächsten? Familienunternehmen im 21. Jahrhundert, in: Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, Vol. 23, Nr. 4, S. 249-251.
Female Entrepreneurship
Espinoza Trujano, J., Welter, F. (2022). Female Entrepreneurship. In: Zimmermann, K.F. (eds) Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, S. 1-21.
Dreaming of a Different Future
Welter, F. (2022): Dreaming of a Different Future, in: Audretsch, D.B.; Kunadt, I.A.M.(Hrs.): The Covid-19 Crisis and Entrepreneurship. Perspectives and Experiences of Researchers, Thought Leaders, and Policymakers, Series: International Studies in Entrepreneurship, Volume 54, S. 123-136.
The Impact of the war in Ukraine on Mittelstand companies
Welter, F.; Wolter, H.-J.; Dienes, C. (2022): The Impact of the war in Ukraine on Mittelstand companies, IfM Bonn: IfM-Hintergrundpapier, Bonn.
In the eye of the beholder? Differentiating between SMEs and Mittelstand
Pahnke, A., Welter, F. & Audretsch, D. B (2022). In the eye of the beholder? Differentiating between SMEs and Mittelstand. Small Business Economics.
Knowledge Accumulation in Entrepreneurship
Chrisman, J.J.; Neubaum, D.O.; Welter, F.; Wennberg, K. (2022): Knowledge Accumulation in Entrepreneurship, in: Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Special Issue, S. 1-18, DOI: 10.1177/10422587221093321
Reduce bureaucracy
Icks, A.; Welter, F. (2022): Bürokratie abbauen, in: Wirtschaftsdienst, 2022, 102 (1), S. 7.
In the eye of the beholder? Why we need to differentiate between SMEs and Mittelstand
Pahnke, A.; Welter, F.; Audretsch, D. B. (2021): Im Auge des Betrachters? Warum wir zwischen KMU und Mittelstand unterscheiden müssen, in: IfM Bonn: Working Paper 04/21, Bonn.
Mittelstand policy after the pandemic – for a sustainable future
Welter, F.; Levering, B. (2021): Mittelstand policy after the pandemic – for a sustainable future, in: IfM Bonn: Working Paper 02/21, Bonn.
Entrepreneur - entrepreneur - concept, characteristics, character, scientific research
Welter, F. (2021): Unternehmer, in: Kollmann, T.; Kuckertz, A.; Stöckmann C. (Hrsg., 2021): Gabler Kompakt-Lexikon Unternehmensgründung, S. 399-400.
Entrepreneur - economics
Welter, F. (2021): Unternehmer, in: Staatslexikon, 8. Auflage, Band 5, Freiburg, Sp. 1229-1234.
The SME policy after Corona - for a sustainable future
Welter, F.; Levering, B. (2021): Die Mittelstandspolitik nach Corona – für eine nachhaltige Zukunft, in: Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, S. 1-6,
Moving Contexts Onto New Roads – Clues From Other Disciplines
Welter, F.: Baker, T. (2021): Moving Contexts Onto New Roads – Clues From Other Disciplines, in: Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Vol. 45 (5), S. 1154-1175.
Female and male entrepreneurs in Germany: How did the coronavirus pandemic affect their businesses?
Kay, R.; Welter, F. (2021): Female and male entrepreneurs in Germany: How did the coronavirus pandemic affect their businesses?, in: IfM Bonn: Working Paper 01/21, Bonn.
Mittelstand policy during and after the Covid 19 pandemic
Welter, F.; Wolter, H.-J.; Holz, M. (2021): Mittelstandspolitik während und nach der Covid 19-Pandemie, IfM Bonn: IfM-Hintergrundpapier, Bonn.
Prospects for SMEs in the Covid 19 pandemic. Part 1: Challenges for SME policy
Welter, F.; Wolter, H.-J. (2021): Prospects for SMEs in the COVID-19 pandemic - Part 1: Challenges for SME policy, IfM-Background Paper, Bonn.
It´s right nearby: how entrepreneurs use spatial bricolage to overcome resource constraints
Korsgaard, S.; Müller, S.; Welter, F. (2021): It´s right nearby: how entrepreneurs use spatial bricolage to overcome resource constraints, in: Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, Vol. 33, Nos. 1-2, P. 147-173, Abingdon.
Entrepreneurial resourcefulness in unstable institutional contexts – the example of European Union borderlands
Welter, F.; Xheneti, M.; Smallbone, D. (2020): Entrepreneurial resourcefulness in unstable institutional contexts – the example of European Union borderlands, in: Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Special Issue “Entrepreneurial Responses to Crisis”, DOI: 10.1002/(ISSN)1932-443X.
Entrepreneurship and social market economy - (not) a contradiction?!
Welter, F. (2020): Unternehmertum und Soziale Marktwirtschaft – (k)ein Gegensatz?! in: Nass, E.; Müller, C.; Zabel, J. (Hrsg.): Soziale Marktwirtschaft – Ordnung der Zukunft, Veröffentlichungen der Joseph-Höffner-Gesellschaft, Nr. 9, S. 107-119.
The corona pandemic as a chance for a forward-looking EU Mittelstand policy
Welter, F.; Wolter, H.-J., Holz, M. (2020): Die Corona-Pandemie als Chance für eine zukunftsweisende EU-Mittelstandspolitik, IfM Bonn: IfM-Hintergrundpapier, Bonn.
Exit from the shutdown – how the "Mittelstand" businesses can optimally survive the coronavirus pandemic crisis
Welter, F.; Wolter, H.-J., Holz, M. (2020): Exit aus dem Shutdown – wie der Mittelstand die Coronavirus-Pandemie optimal überstehen kann, IfM Bonn: IfM-Hintergrundpapier, Bonn.
Preliminary assessments of the IfM Bonn on the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the “Mittelstand” businesses in Germany
Welter, F.; Wolter, H.-J., Kranzusch, P. (2020): Vorläufige Einschätzungen des IfM Bonn zu den wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen der Coronaviruspandemie auf den Mittelstand, IfM Bonn: IfM-Hintergrundpapier, Bonn.
Geographical Contexts of Entrepreneurship: Spaces, Places and Entrepreneurial Agency
Stam, E.; Welter, F. (2020): Geographical Contexts of Entrepreneurship: Spaces, Places and Entrepreneurial Agency, IfM Bonn: Working Paper 04/20, Bonn. Stam, E.; Welter, F. (2020): Geographical Contexts of Entrepreneurship: Spaces, Places and Entrepreneurial Agency, in: Gielnik, M.; Cardon, M.; Frese, M. (2021): The Psychology of Entrepreneurship. New Perspective, S. 263-281.
Comments of the IfM Bonn on the economic recovery, crisis management and future package
Welter, F.; Wolter, H.-J. (2020): Anmerkungen des IfM Bonn zum Konjunktur- und Krisenbewältigungs- sowie Zukunftspaket, IfM Bonn: IfM-Hintergrundpapier, Bonn.
Moving Contexts Onto New Roads – Clues From Other Disciplines
Welter, F.; Baker, T. (2020): Moving Contexts Onto New Roads – Clues From Other Disciplines, IfM Bonn: Working Paper 03/20, Bonn.
Contexts and gender – Looking back and thinking forward
Welter, F. (2020): Contexts and gender – Looking back and thinking forward, IfM Bonn: Working Paper 01/20, Bonn.
The Diana project: a legacy for research on gender in entrepreneurship
Brush, C.; Greene, P.; Welter, F. (2020): The Diana project: a legacy for research on gender in entrepreneurship, IfM Bonn: Working Paper 02/20, Bonn.
Context, Time, and Change: Historical Approaches to Entrepreneurship Research
Wadhwani, R.D.; Kirsch, D.; Welter, F.; Gartner, W. and Jones, G. (2020), Context, Time, and Change: Historical Approaches to Entrepreneurship Research, in: Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, early online, S. 1-17.
The Missing Entrepreneurs 2019
OECD/European Union, unter Mitwirkung von Sebastian Ptok, Susanne Schlepphorst und Friederike Welter (2019): The Missing Entrepreneurs 2019: Policies for Inclusive Entrepreneurship, OECD Publishing, Paris.
A gendered look at entrepreneurship ecosystems
Brush, C.; Edelman, Linda F.; Manolova, T.; Welter, F. (2019): A gendered look at entrepreneurship ecosystems, in: Small Business Economics, Volume 53, Issue 2, Special Issue: Women Entrepreneurs in Ecosystems, S. 393-408.
The power of words and images: towards talking about and seeing entrepreneurship and innovation differently
Welter, F. (2019): The power of words and images: towards talking about and seeing entrepreneurship and innovation differently, in: Audretsch, D. B.; Lehmann, E. E.; Link, A. N. (Hg): A Research Agenda for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, S. 179-196, Cheltenham.
The Mittelstand: a Specific Entrepreneurial Profile of the Social Market Economy
Welter, F. (2019): The Mittelstand: a Specific Entrepreneurial Profile of the Social Market Economy, Journal for Markets and Ethics, Vol. 6, Issue 1, S. 99-106, Warschau.
The German Mittelstand: Antithesis to the Silicon Valley entrepreneurship model?
Pahnke, A.; Welter, F. (2019): The German Mittelstand: Antithesis to the Silicon Valley entrepreneurship model?, IfM Bonn: Working Paper 01/19, Bonn.
Women-led enterprises in Germany: the more social, ecological and corporate responsible businesses?
Pahnke, A.; Ettl, K.; Welter, F. (2018): Women-led enterprises in Germany: the more social, ecological and corporate responsible businesses? In: Ratten, V.; Dana, L.-P.; Ramadani (Hrsg.): Women Entrepreneurship in Family Business, Routledge Frontiers of Management, Band 15, S. 46-62.
The German Mittelstand: antithesis to Silicon Valley entrepreneurship?
Pahnke, A.; Welter. F. (2018): The German Mittelstand: antithesis to Silicon Valley entrepreneurship?, in: Small Business Economics,
The Role of Gender in Family-Business Research: A Systematic Review of the Literature
Achtenhagen, L.; Haag, K.; Welter, F. (2018): The Role of Gender in Family-Business Research: A Systematic Review of the Literature, in: Ratten, V.; Dana, L.-P.; Ramadani, V. (Hrsg.): Women Entrepreneurship in Family Business, S. 31-73.
Three waves and counting: the rising tide of contextualization in entrepreneurship research
Welter, F.; Baker, T.; Wirsching, K. (2018): Three waves and counting: the rising tide of contextualization in entrepreneurship research, in: Small Business Economics, Special Issue, Heidelberg, S. 1-12.
Contextual Entrepreneurship: An Interdisciplinary Perspective
Baker, T.; Welter, F. (2018): Contextual Entrepreneurship: An Interdisciplinary Perspective, in: Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship, Vol. 14, Issue 4, S. 357-426.
[Übersetzen nach: English] Entrepreneurial resourcefulness in unstable institutional contexts: The example of European Union borderlands
Welter, F.; Xheneti, M.; Smallbone, D. (2018): Entrepreneurial resourcefulness in unstable institutional contexts: The example of European Union borderlands. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. Online early, Volume 12, Issue 1, März 2018, S. 23-53.
Women entrepreneurs´ financing revisited: taking stock and looking forward
Leitch, C.; Welter, F.; Henry, C. (Hrsg., 2018): Women entrepreneurs´ financing revisited: taking stock and looking forward, Venture Capital, Vol. 20, No. 2, S. 103-114, Cheltenham.
Innovativeness and business relationships in women-owned firms: The role of gender stereotypes
Del Mar Fuentes-Fuentes, M.: Bojica, A. M.; Ruiz-Arroyo, M.; Welter, F. (2015): Innovativeness and business relationships in women-owned firms: The role of gender stereotypes, in: Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, März 2017, Vol. 34, Issue 1, Seite 63-76.
Context and Entrepreneurial Cognition
Chlosta, S.; Welter, F. (2017): Context and Entrepreneurial Cognition, in: Brännback, M; Carsrud, A. (Hrsg.): Revisiting the Entrepreneurial Mind. Inside the Black Box: an Expanded Edition, S. 91-99.
Come on out of the ghetto, please - Building the future of entrepreneurship research
Baker, T.; Welter, F. (2017): Come on out of the ghetto, please - Building the future of entrepreneurship research, in: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 23 (2), 170-184.
Everyday Entrepreneurship - A Call for Entrepreneurship Research to Embrace Entrepreneurial Diversity
Welter, F.; Baker, T.; Audretsch, D.; Gartner, W. (2016): Everyday Entrepreneurship - A Call for Entrepreneurship Research to Embrace Entrepreneurial Diversity, in: Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 41 (3), 311-321.
Start-ups pose new challenges for SME policy
Welter, F. (2016): Start-ups stellen die Mittelstandspolitik vor neue Aufgaben, in Welter, F.; Block, J. (Hrsg.): Mittelstand aktuell, Ausgabe 01/16, Bonn.
Wandering between Contexts
Welter, F. (2016): “Wandering between Contexts", in: Audretsch, D; Lehmann, E.: The Routledge Companion to the Makers of Modern Entrepreneurship, S. 213-227.
Women’s innovation in Germany – empirical facts and conceptual explanations
Bijedić, T.; Brink, S.; Ettl, K.; Kriwoluzky, S.; Welter, F. (2016): Women’s innovation in Germany – empirical facts and conceptual explanations, in: Alsos, G.A.; Hytti, U.; Ljunggren, E. (Hrsg.): Research Handbook on Gender and Innovation, Cheltenham et al., S. 51-71.
Innovation and women’s entrepreneurship – (why) are women entrepreneurs less innovative?
Bijedić, T.; Brink, S.; Ettl, K.; Kriwoluzky, S.; Welter, F. (2016): Innovation and women’s entrepreneurship – (why) are women entrepreneurs less innovative? In: Diaz, C.; Brush, C.; Gatewood, E.; Welter, F. (Hrsg.): Women's Entrepreneurship in Global and Local Contexts, Cheltenham et al., S. 63-80.
Entrepreneurs and entrepreneur inside in Germany
Welter, F.; Gröschl, J. (2016): Unternehmer und Unternehmerinnen in Deutschland, in: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 16-17/2016 "Unternehmertum", S. 3-12, Bonn.
Keeping It in The Family: Financial Rewards in Family Firms
Carter, S.; Welter, F. (2016): Keeping It in The Family: Financial Rewards in Family Firms, in: Randerson, K.; Bettinelli, C.; Dossena, G.; Fayolle, A. (Hrsg.): Family entrepreneurship: rethinking the research agenda, London, S. 131-147.
SME, medium-sized business, family business: A clarification
May-Strobl, E.; Welter, F. (2016): KMU, Mittelstand, Familienunternehmen: Eine Klarstellung, in: Hinterhuber, H.; Stahl, H.(2016): Erfolgreich im Schatten der Großen. Wettbewerbsvorteile für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen, S. 1–11.
Family Business and Regional Science: Bridging the gap
Stough, R., Welter, F.; Block, J.; Wennberg, K.; Basco, R. (2015): Family Business and Regional Science: Bridging the gap, in: Welter, F., Block, J.; Wennberg, K.; Basco, R., Stough, R. (2015): Family Business and Regional Development. Special Issue of Journal of Family Business Strategy, 6(4) 208–18.
Creative Forces for Entrepreneurship: The Role of Institutional Change Agents
Welter, F.; Smallbone, D. (2015): Creative Forces for Entrepreneurship: The Role of Institutional Change Agents, IfM Bonn: Working Paper 01/15, Bonn.
Measuring the regulatory environment for SMEs – The case of Germany
Schlepphorst, S.; Holz, M.; Welter, F. (2014): Measuring the regulatory environment for SMEs – The case of Germany, in: OECD (Hrsg.): Regulatory Environment for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises.
Advancing theory development in venture creation: signposts for understanding gender
Brush, C.; de Bruin, A.; Welter, F. (2014): Advancing theory development in venture creation: signposts for understanding gender, in: Lewis, K.; Henry, C.; Gatewood, E.; Watson, J. (Hrsg.): Women’s Entrepreneurship in the 21st Century. An International Multi-Level Research Analysis, Cheltenham, S.11-31.
On the way to gender-specific models in start-up research
Brush, C.; de Bruin, A.; Welter, F. (2014): Auf dem Weg zu genderspezifischen Modellen in der Gründungsforschung, in: Gather, C.; Biermann, I. et al. (Hrsg.): Die Vielfalt der Selbstständigkeit. Sozialwissenschaftliche Beiträge zu einer Erwerbsform im Wandel, Berlin, S. 37-48.
From the advanced transition environment to the international markets: key opportunities and challenges for MADARA cosmetics
Sauka, A. & F. Welter (2014): From the advanced transition environment to the international markets: key opportunities and challenges for MADARA cosmetics, in: M.T. Thanh Thai & E. Turkina (eds); Internationalization of Firms from Economies in Transition, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, S. 109-122.
Entrepreneurship in Emerging Market Economies: Contemporary Issues and Perspectives
Smallbone, D., F. Welter & J. Ateljevic (2014): Entrepreneurship in Emerging Market Economies: Contemporary Issues and Perspectives, in: International Small Business Journal 32(2), 113-116. Und Herausgabe des gesamten Special Issue.
Enterprising families in a cross-border context: the example of Belarus
Welter, F., D. Smallbone, A. Slonimski, O. Linchevskaya, A. Pobol & M. Slonimska (2014): Enterprising families in a cross-border context: the example of Belarus, in: M.T. Thanh Thai & E. Turkina (eds); Internationalization of Firms from Economies in Transition, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, S. 276-293.
From the advanced transition environment to the international markets: key opportunities and challenges for MADARA cosmetics
Sauka, A. & F. Welter (2014): From the advanced transition environment to the international markets: key opportunities and challenges for MADARA cosmetics, in: M.T. Thanh Thai & E. Turkina (eds); Internationalization of Firms from Economies in Transition, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, S. 109-122.
From idea to publication: managing the research process
Blackburn, R.; Welter, F. (2014): From idea to publication: managing the research process, in: Fayolle, A.; Wright, M. (Hrsg.): How to Get Published in the Best Entrepreneurship Journals. A Guide to Steer Your Academic Career, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, S. 72-93.
Bureaucratic costs for small and medium-sized enterprises
Welter, F.; Holz, M.; Icks, A. (2013): Bürokratiekosten für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen, in: Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter, Die Kosten der Regulierung, 4/2013, Wien.
Determinants of Business Insolvencies During Economic Growth and Recession in Latvia
Welter, F.; Sauka, A. (2013): Determinants of Business Insolvencies During Economic Growth and Recession in Latvia, in: Journal of Baltic Studies, 1-22.
Reenacting Contextual Boundaries-Entrepreneurial Resourcefulness in Challenging Environments
Welter F.; Xheneti, M. (2013): Reenacting Contextual Boundaries-Entrepreneurial Resourcefulness in Challenging Environments, in: Entrepreneurial Resourcefulness: Competing with Constraints Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth, Volume 15, 149–183.
Gender identities and practices: Interpreting women entrepreneurs’ narratives
Welter, F.; García, M.-C. D. (2013): Gender identities and practices: Interpreting women entrepreneurs’ narratives, in: International Small Business Journal, Juni 2013, Vol. 31, Nr. 4, S. 304-404.
Contextualization Entrepreneurship - Conceptual Challenges and Ways Forward
Welter F. (2011): Contextualizing Entrepreneurship - Conceptual Challenges and Ways Forward , in: Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Volume 35, 165-184.