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External publication | 2024 Silicon Valley entrepreneurship – Revisiting a popular dream

Silicon Valley this and Silicon Valley that have infiltrated the world. How did the image and mythology of Silicon Valley Entrepreneurship  (SVE) become so popular? How did it achieve and maintain such a high level of global flattery as is demonstrated every day by attempts to copy it? The authors take a closer look at the emergence, resilience, and adaptation of the SVE mythology. By doing so, they seek to understand how mythologies limit our ability to understand other forms of entrepreneurship and the locations in which it can take place.

Baker, T.; Welter, F. (2024): Silicon Valley entrepreneurship – Revisiting a popular dream, in: Journal of Business Venturing Insights, Volume 21,



Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Friederike Welter
Tel. +49 228 729970

Profile of Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Friederike Welter