The authors investigate how female-led businesses were impaired by the Covid-19 pandemic, to what extent they used support measures, and what operational measures they took to counter the consequences of the pandemic. They find no discernible differences between male- and female-led firms during the first months of the Covid-19 pandemic but a gap in later month.
External publication | 2024 How women-led businesses fared in the Covid-19 pandemic
Weicht, R.; Kay, R.; Rieger-Fels, M.; Welter, F. (2024): How women-led businesses fared in the Covid-19 pandemic, in: Henry, C.; Ballantine, J.; Yousafzai, S.; Narendran, R. (Hrsg.): Women’s Entrepreneurship in a Tur-bulent Era, Cheltenham, S. 126-149.