The integration of German companies into global value chains also harbors the risk of adverse shocks from other economies being transmitted to Germany. Based on our own survey, this study examines how Mittelstand companies in the manufacturing sector are integrated into the international economy and how they react to the globally changing framework conditions. The results show that around half of the industrial Mittelstand companies are part of complex global value chains. Accordingly, companies are taking measures across the board to ensure their value chain stability further. At the same time, geopolitical crises and conflicts, which companies can do little to counter actively, are viewed with great concern. Politicians should therefore aim to strengthen the EU internal market and further reduce bureaucracy.
IfM-Materialien | 2023 Development trends in global value chains from the perspective of Mittelstand companies
Pahnke, A.; Reiff, A.; Wolter, H.-J. (2023): Entwicklungstendenzen globaler Wertschöpfungsketten aus Sicht mittelständischer Unternehmen, in: IfM Bonn, IfM-Materialien Nr. 302, Bonn.