Working Papers
In order to make current research results available to a broad public at an early stage, the IfM Bonn has launched the Working Paper Series. Here, IfM-Bonn external researchers can also publish their conference papers and papers still in the review process from start-up and entrepreneurship research, research on family businesses and SMEs.
61 Results
Working Papers | 2018 Brain-Driven Entrepreneurship Research: Expanded Review and Research Agenda Towards Entrepreneurial Enhancement
The advent of significant advances in neuroscience has produced the capacity to examine the human brain at a profound level, yet the academic and practical value of existing evidence based on neuroscience techniques and methods within the field of entrepreneurship remains unexplored.

Working Papers | 2018 Times are a Changin'? The Emergence of New Firms and Rank Persistence
Young firms are known to grow at a faster rate than incumbents. With administrative firm data from Germany, we show that the higher growth rates indeed translate into upward mobility within the firm size distribution.firms, whi

Working Papers | 2017 Mind the Gap: Institutional and Individual Antecedents of Entrepreneurial Trajectories in the Academic Context
This study analyses institutional, job-related, and individual antecedents of entrepreneurial activities from a longitudinal perspective.

Working Papers | 2017 ‘It Takes Three to Tango’: Brain, Cognition and Entrepreneurial Enhancement
Neuroscience is not quite ready to win the war for now, but it is assuredly equipped to win some battles. Notwithstanding that entrepreneurship is fundamentally a braindriven phenomenon, entrepreneurship research based on neuroscience’s tools cannot be counted on the fingers of more than one hand.

Working Papers | 2017 Business takeovers and firm growth: Empirical evidence from a German panel
This article links business acquisitions with the literature on serial autocorrelation of growth rates.

Working Papers | 2016 Individual and Structural Influences on the Entrepreneurial Activities of Academics
Scientific university staff generates innovations within the scope of their research activities and possesses up-to-date knowledge that can be regarded as the basis for innovative business start-ups.

Working Papers | 2016 Economic effects of the 2004 Crafts Amendment: Results from a quasi-natural experiment
The 2004 reform of the Crafts Code brought about a comprehensive liberalization of access conditions for more than half of the craft trades sectors, in particular by abolishing the obligation to be a master craftsman.

Working Papers | 2016 Fine Artists' Entrepreneurial Business Environment
This paper aims to illustrate the working and business environment of professional fine artists and to identify the factors to successfully make a living in the arts as both market challenges and success factors have not yet been clearly identified in literature.

Working Papers | 2016 Digitization in the German specialist radio trade
In this current IfM Working Paper, recommendations for action are given to solve the problem of repositioning German radio retailers.

Working Papers | 2016 Inventions and their Commercial Exploitation in Academic Institutions: Analysing Determinants Among Academics
The transfer of knowledge and the exploitation of marketable inventions from university research is an important source of innovation that enjoys broad support from the business community.

Working Papers | 2016 Determinants of hidden champions - Evidence from Germany
This explorative study analyzes the determinants that influence the probability of German companies being a hidden champion.

Working Papers | 2016 Gender Diversity in Top-Management Positions in Large Family and Nonfamily Businesses
(Why) does the sex ratio in top-management positions in large family and nonfamily businesses differ? Using a unique data set and estimating (fractional) logit regressions we show that the female share in top-management positions in family businesses exceeds the one in nonfamily businesses.

Working Papers | 2016 Crucial Skills for the Entrepreneurial Success of Fine Artists
This article aims to define crucial skills for the entrepreneurial success of working fine artists as these skills have not yet been clearly identified for this professional group.

Working Papers | 2014 Sustainable Management and Performance in SMEs: A French Case Study
Nowadays, sustainable management seems more likely to be a guarantee of competitiveness for companies, regardless of their size.

Working Papers | 2014 Works Councils in Family Businesses in Germany – why are there so few?
Works councils are an inherent part of the German economic and social system. An analysis of the prevalence of works councils in Germany reveals that they are not uniformly distributed across all types of businesses.

Working Papers | 2014 The Economic Contribution of Start-Up Firms in Germany
This paper utilizes German tax data to present evidence about the direct and indirect effcts of new firm formation.

Working Papers | 2014 The gendering of entrepreneurship context
The paper builds on the understanding of context as suggested by Welter (2011) who introduced different dimensions of context along a continuum of where entrepreneurship takes place and when this happens.

Working Papers | 2011 Self-employed persons in the basic provision
Since the Fourth Law for Modern Services in the Labor Market (Hartz IV) came into force in 2005, there has been an almost constant increase in the number of self-employed persons receiving basic social security.

Working Papers | 2011 Good practice examples and documentation of the European Enterprise Award 2010/11
With the European Enterprise Award, the European Commission honors outstanding achievements of public institutions and public-private partnerships.

Working Papers | 2010 Family businesses and management consulting - An empirical stocktaking
Generally the assumption holds itself that exempt private companies exhibit a fundamental refusal attitude opposite management consultations. The IfM Bonn in cooperation with the Witten Institute for Family Business has now been able to test the empirical content of this thesis for the first time.