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Participation in external events Public procurement in focus

Sebastian Schneider presented the problems faced by the Mittelstand companies when applying for public contracts at a workshop organised by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWiK) in mid-October. He, Dr Nadine Schlömer-Laufen and Dr Annika Reiff had conducted a study in which they identified the lack of explanations in the tenders and the difficult contact options with the contracting authorities, a low level of user-friendliness on the digital platforms and excessively high requirements in the tenders as the biggest hurdles for companies interested in participating.

With the workshop on public procurement, the Federal Ministery is launching a series of workshops to increase competitiveness and innovation in Mittelstand companies. The aim of the events is to combine the expertise of experts from science, business and administration on a specific key topic. Overall, the various funding programmes and measures of the Federal Ministry are to be further optimised in order to provide even better support for the innovation activities of innovative Mittelstand companies and startups.
