IfM Bonn publishes its research findings primarily in its publication series: study results are published as "IfM-Materials" - or in condensed form as a "Denkpapier" (summary). Statistical analyses and results appear in the series "Daten und Fakten". Discussion and technical papers from all research areas are published as "Working Papers".
In addition, until 2012 selected articles were published in the series "Schriften zur Mittelstandsforschung" (Gabler Verlag). Under the "External Publications" tab, you find numerous essays by IfM researchers that have appeared in (peer-reviewed) specialist journals and external publication series.
550 Results
External publication | 2023 Business Solutions in the B2B World - A Systematic Literature Review
In an increasingly competitive environment, manufacturers are seeking for new ways of sustainable growth. Different resources (i.e., products, services, knowledge) are integrated into innovative business solutions to solve an entire customer problem.
External publication | 2023 Anorganized anarchy? Understanding the role of German cooperation in the constructionand export of the dual training model
The role of German cooperation as a key force behind the worldwide dissemination of dual training is well‐established within the specialized literature. The multilayered and fragmented nature of the German cooperation landscape suggests that German efforts in this area follow a complex and evolving interplay of motivations—yet the rationales behind Germany's bilateral work in the area of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) ..
External publication | 2023 attractiveness of Indian Polytechnicsgraduates — An analysis from the (demand-side) perspective of companies and colleges
The paper examines the attractiveness of graduates from Indian Polytechnics (PTs). The attractiveness is examinedfrom the perspective of actors who have a demand for thegraduates, namely companies and engineering colleges.To understand the reasons for their assessment ofattractiveness, this study uses the concept of institutionallogics (ILs) to unveil the inherent reasons behind thestakeholders' perception of attractiveness.
External publication | 2023 Theory and Practice of Teaching and Learning in the Classroom – Lessons from Indian Industrial Training Institutes
In India, the Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) are a vital part the Vocational Education and Training (VET) system. Previous research reveals that in addition to some other problems, it is the strongly theory-based training that impedes the transition of VET graduates into the labour market, and leads to a lack of work-readiness in young graduates.

External publication | 2023 Bureaucracy costs of companies in the mechanical and plant engineering industries
The study examines the specific bureaucratic costs that arise in the everyday operations of three selected companies in the mechanical and plant engineering sector.

IfM-Materialien | 2022 The EU's support measures for sustainable financing - implications for the Mittelstand
The EU Commission seeks to mobilize private funds for the sustainability transformation of the European economy through several regulatory measures. This study investigates the impact of this regulatory development on the German Mittelstand, i.e., owner-managed companies.

Chartbooks | 2022 The income situation of hybrid self-employed. Analyses with the Taxpayer Panel 2001-2016
In order to find evidence for assessing the capacity of hybrid self-employed for old-age provisions, we analyse the level and composition of their income on the basis of the Taxpayer Panel. We find that nine out of ten hybrid self-employed earn their main income from dependent employment.
External publication | 2022 Going from one crisis to the next? Family businesses in the 21st century
Amid the war in Ukraine, the economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, and structural change, family businesses in Europe face many challenges. How can they master them, and how can Mittelstand policy support them?

Facts and figures | 2022 Company sales - prevalence, revenues, and trends
We examine the market for company sales in the years from 2001 to 2016 with income tax data. Both, the number of sales and the average profits increased over time.

Policy Brief "Entrepreneurship in Focus" | 2022 The Prototyping Approach – A fresh look at the role of personality in entrepreneurial decision making
The Big Five personality model has been used repeatedly to explain entrepreneurial behaviour, and the traits extraversion and openness to experience have been shown to positively affect self-employment. However, this literature has largely ignored the interplay of the five traits, which is studied in psychological research as part of the person-centred prototyping approach to examining an individual's personality.

Chartbooks | 2022 Zukunftspanel 2022: Klima und Energie gewinnen als Herausforderungen an Bedeutung
As part of the Zukunftspanel Mittelstand, companies were asked for the fourth time what challenges they are currently facing – and what they expect to face in the future.

IfM-Materialien | 2022 Mittelstand businesses in the Covid19 pandemic – being affected by and dealing with the crisis
Based on the German Business Panel, the study examines how small and medium-sized en-terprises (SMEs) and Mittelstand businesses fared during the Covid-19 pandemic. It shows that SMEs as well as Mittelstand businesses were more strongly affected by the crisis than large and non-Mittelstand businesses.
External publication | 2022 Female Entrepreneurship
Female entrepreneurship and its contribution to job creation, innovation, and economic prosperity have attracted increasing interest in policy, theory, and practice over the last decade.
External publication | 2022 Dreaming of a Different Future
Drawing on personal observations and experiences during 2020, the author reflects on the challenges the COVID-19 pandemic poses for academic and researcher diversity as well as for which entrepreneurship research matters and how best to disseminate research results beyond academia.

Policy Brief "Entrepreneurship in Focus" | 2022 Long-Term Effects of Socialism and Transformation on Self-Employment in East Germany
The rigorous anti-entrepreneurial policies that prevailed during communist regime did not leave any long-term negative effects on the level of self-employment in East Germany.

Facts and figures | 2022 Start-up activity in the districts and independent cities: What characterises successful start-up ecosystems?
This study examines the characteristics of successful regional start-up ecosystems. Both commercial and freelance start-ups in the period 2017 - 2019 are taken into account.

IfM-Materialien | 2022 Entrepreneurship during the Covid-19 pandemic: A focus on individual resilience
This study uses a systematic literature review to examine the extent to which an entrepreneur's individual resilience influences business development during the Covid-19 pandemic. It also considers which resilience factors are of particular importance.
External publication | 2022 Company succession in the construction industry
To date, no estimate or survey provides reliable information on how many of the companies in the construction industry are facing succession in the coming years or the specifics of the succession process in the construction industry.
External publication | 2022 Motives for cooperation between established SMEs and start-ups
Cooperations between start-ups and established Mittelstand companies are be-coming increasingly popular. This article deals with the motives for entering into such a cooperative relationship. After all, young innovative companies and es-tablished Mittelstand companies have different prerequisites.

IfM-Background-Paper | 2022 Commercial start-ups and company closures 2021 - ambiguous trends
The first half of 2021 was still characterized by the coronavirus pandemic. However, the lockdowns have hardly had any impact on the scope of start-up activities, which have returned to pre-pandemic levels by the end of the year.