IfM Bonn publishes its research findings primarily in its publication series: study results are published as "IfM-Materials" - or in condensed form as a "Denkpapier" (summary). Statistical analyses and results appear in the series "Daten und Fakten". Discussion and technical papers from all research areas are published as "Working Papers".
In addition, until 2012 selected articles were published in the series "Schriften zur Mittelstandsforschung" (Gabler Verlag). Under the "External Publications" tab, you find numerous essays by IfM researchers that have appeared in (peer-reviewed) specialist journals and external publication series.
552 Results
External publication | 2022 Motives for cooperation between established SMEs and start-ups
Cooperations between start-ups and established Mittelstand companies are be-coming increasingly popular. This article deals with the motives for entering into such a cooperative relationship. After all, young innovative companies and es-tablished Mittelstand companies have different prerequisites.

IfM-Background-Paper | 2022 Commercial start-ups and company closures 2021 - ambiguous trends
The first half of 2021 was still characterized by the coronavirus pandemic. However, the lockdowns have hardly had any impact on the scope of start-up activities, which have returned to pre-pandemic levels by the end of the year.

Facts and figures | 2022 Development of hybrid self-employment in Germany – analyses based on the Taxpayer Panel 2001-2016
Hybrid self-employment is receiving increasing attention. However, little is known about this form of employment's true extent and characteristics. This study deals with it based on the Taxpayer Panel for the first time

Facts and figures | 2022 Impact of the Covid19 pandemic on start-up activities in 2020 – a regional analysis
Based on business registration statistics and a wide range of other information on the startup ecosystem, we examine the impact of the Covid19 pandemic on startup activity in 401 districts and independent cities in Germany.

Policy Brief "Entrepreneurship in Focus" | 2022 Dependent self-employment in multi-level marketing
In 2020, the number of solo self-employed members in multi-level marketing (MLM) in Germany continued to rise.

IfM-Background-Paper | 2022 The Impact of the war in Ukraine on Mittelstand companies
The war in Ukraine, which has been going on since 24 February 2022, has not left Germany untouched.
External publication | 2022 In the eye of the beholder? Differentiating between SMEs and Mittelstand
A common fallacy is that small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are the translation for Mittelstand companies. Until today, no common, widely accepted, and consistently applied understanding of what constitutes the Mittelstand exists, and related international research is consequently less coherent as well as a strong evidence-base for policy makers lacking.
External publication | 2022 Knowledge Accumulation in Entrepreneurship
As the field of entrepreneurship has grown, so has the accumulated knowledge about individual entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial ventures, and the entrepreneurial environment.

IfM-Materialien | 2022 The societal value creation of German Mittelstand
This study explores the societal impact of Mittelstand companies and how it is achieved in a process of collaborative societal value creation. Regional communities perceive different aspects of societal impact, depending on local problems.
External publication | 2022 Protection against discrimination and the promotion of diversity in the workplace
This study analyses the implementation of diversity and antisdiscrimination measures in companies, administrations and third sector organisations 15 years after introduction of the AGG and the establishment of the „Charta der Vielfalt.

Facts and figures | 2022 The role of family businesses and female-led family business in the economy
The IfM Bonn has been estimating the number of owner-managed enterprises (family busi-nesses) and the number of female-led family businesses repeatedly since 2001.

Chartbooks | 2022 Challenges for the manufacturing sector in Germany industry and reactions of the Mittelstand
The shortage of skilled workers represents the greatest challenge for medium-sized companies in the manufacturing sector, followed by challenges such as digitization, competitive pressure and the ability to innovate.
External publication | 2022 Business Successions in Germany. Current estimates of the IfM Bonn
Due to the lack of available official statistics, the Institut für Mittelstandsforschung (IfM) Bonn has been regularly estimating the number of family businesses in Germany that are due for succession in the next five years for almost 30 years using a specially developed estimation procedure.

IfM-Materialien | 2022 Digitisation processes of SMEs in the manufacturing sector – follow-up survey
Based on a follow-up survey, this study examines the level of digitalisation among manufacturing companies since 2016. Our results show that the importance of digitalisation has increased significantly over the past five years.

Policy Brief "Entrepreneurship in Focus" | 2022 Business Dynamics in the Netherlands 2020: The First Phase of the Covid-19 Pandemic
During the large economic contraction in the Netherlands caused by the COVID-19 pandemic the number of bankruptcies surprisingly fell.

IfM-Materialien | 2022 Attitudes and behavior of Mittelstand companies facing climate change
Regardless of firm size, many companies are committed to fight against climate change because of their own values. However, only a few companies associate climate change with additional market opportunities. Small companies in particular link the combat against climate change with additional cost burden.
External publication | 2022 Ausländische Staatsangehörige als Gründer in NRW zwischen 2003 und 2018
The report shows that start-ups founded by immigrants have contributed significantly to NRW's economy between 2003 and 2018.
External publication | 2022 Reduce bureaucracy
Even if policymakers use numerous instruments to reduce bureaucracy, many Mittelstand companies feel that the bureaucratic regulations – but especially the regulations for their implementation–- are too high.

External publication | 2022 Private Equity in the Mittelstand - Analysis of the Development of Private Equity Financed Companies
The aim of the study is to analyze the development of equity-financed companies in comparision to companies without private equity financing. Overall, the equity-financed companies developed very positively and outperformed the randomly selected peer group of companies without equity financing.

Facts and figures | 2022 Business successions in Germany 2022 to 2026
Due to missing data from official statistics, IfM Bonn has been estimating (since the mid-1990s) the number of enterprises that are about to be transferred to new owners. The present estimation concludes that from 2022 to 2026, about 190,000 companies are due to be handed over.