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IfM Bonn publishes its research findings primarily in its publication series: study results are published as "IfM-Materials" - or in condensed form as a "Denkpapier" (summary). Statistical analyses and results appear in the series "Daten und Fakten". Discussion and technical papers from all research areas are published as "Working Papers".

In addition, until 2012 selected articles were published in the series "Schriften zur Mittelstandsforschung" (Gabler Verlag). Under the "External Publications" tab, you find numerous essays by IfM researchers that have appeared in (peer-reviewed) specialist journals and external publication series.

549 Results

External publication | 2020 Entrepreneurship and social market economy - (not) a contradiction?!

How much of a model is entrepreneurship in Silicon Valley? Is this entrepreneurship (still) in the sense of the social market economy - and thus desirable for Germany?

External publication | 2020 European SME-Action Programme

The European SME-Action Programme provides an analysis of the current situation and main challenges for European SMEs in six main policy areas: Better regulation, access to markets, access to finance, entrepreneurship, skills and training, and digitisation of SMEs.

Policy Brief "Entrepreneurship in Focus" | 2020 Foundation processes and the effect of crises

Crises have an accelerating effect on foundation processes. This is proven by the analysis of start-ups during the financial crisis of 2007/09 and could also apply in the Corona Pandemic.

IfM-Background-Paper | 2020 The corona pandemic as a chance for a forward-looking EU Mittelstand policy

The European Single Market is by far the most important sales and procurement market for Mittelstand businesses. Its harmonised regulatory system reduces transaction costs and gives companies access to a larger overall market.

IfM-Background-Paper | 2020 Exit from the shutdown – how the "Mittelstand" businesses can optimally survive the coronavirus pandemic crisis

Mittelstand businesses in Germany are not only of great economic importance, but within the framework of the social market economy, they also fulfil an important stabilising function for social cohesion.

IfM-Background-Paper | 2020 Preliminary assessments of the IfM Bonn on the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the “Mittelstand” businesses in Germany

In the past, the German “Mittelstand” businesses has proven to be stabilizing in times of crisis, due to their stronger long-term orientation compared to management-led companies, but also due to their overall lower dependence on foreign markets.

IfM-Materialien | 2020 Challenges of apprenticeship in micro-enterprises

Developments on the apprenticeship market show not only a declining number of apprentices in establishments with less than ten employees, but also that fewer and fewer micro-enterprises are offering apprenticeships at all.

External publication | 2020 Employment hybridization - spread and development in Germany

The working world has changed a lot in the last decades. This is expressed not only in a significant increase in part-time work, but also in a significant increase in so-called employment hybridization.

External publication | 2020 Data for Mittelstand Companies in Germany at the IfM Bonn

This article presents the publicly accessible data sets of the Institute for Mittelstandsforschung (IfM) Bonn.

External publication | 2020 Times are a Changin’? The Emergence of New Firms and Rank Reshuffling

Young firms are known to grow at a faster rate than incumbents. With administrative firm data from Germany, we show that the higher growth rates indeed translate into upward mobility within the sector-specific firm size distribution.

External publication | 2020 Self-employment as a source of income inequality

It is well known that the self-employed are over-represented at the bottom as well as the top of the income distribution.

External publication | 2020 A research note on entrepreneurs’ financial commitment and crowdfunding success

Established early stage investors decide to invest in new ventures after evaluating the propensity of success and the risk of failure.

External publication | 2020 Why the self-employed are happier: Evidence from 25 European countries

Using survey data from 25 European countries, we can show that in most of the countries the self-employed are more satisfied with their jobs than employees. This paper aims to discuss the reasons why this is the case.

Chartbooks | 2020 Challenges of the German Mittelstand during the corona pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic and the measures associated with it pose particular challenges for German SMEs. The IfM Bonn has examined these challenges within the framework of a special edition of the survey “Zukunftspanel Mittelstand“.

IfM-Materialien | 2020 The societal impact of German Mittelstand: Conceptual considerations

This study conceptually explores the societal impact of Mittelstand companies. It aims to analyse the societal role of the German Mittelstand beyond measurable effects (CSR, CC) and to develop a basis for subsequent empirical studies.

External publication | 2020 Contextualizing Entrepreneurship Theory

This book shows that the ongoing contextualization of entrepreneurship research should not simply generate a proliferation of unique theories – one for every context – but can instead result in better theory construction, testing

External publication, Working Papers | 2020 Geographical Contexts of Entrepreneurship: Spaces, Places and Entrepreneurial Agency

The article focuses on contexts of entrepreneurship, in particular geographical contexts, and entrepreneurial agency.

External publication | 2020 International assignments of employees and entrepreneurial intentions: the mediating role of human capital, social capital and career prospects

Little is known about the entrepreneurship intentions of employees who have been on long-term international assignments, particularly after they leave paid employment upon their return from abroad.

IfM-Materialien | 2020 Mittelstand Future Panel 2020 - Update of the expert survey on current and future challanges for der German Mittelstand

Securing innovation and competitiveness is the greatest challenge for the Mittelstand, both now and in the future.

External publication | 2020 How to Make your Doctoral Research Relevant

Everyone wants their research to be read and to be relevant. This new guide presents a broad range of ideas for enhancing research impact and relevance.