1163 Results

Policy Brief "Entrepreneurship in Focus" | 2024 Paradigm shift for a noticeable bureaucracy reduction
Companies perceive a significant increase in the bureaucratic burden, with psychological costs, opportunity costs and indirect follow-up costs also being highly relevant.
External publication | 2024 Do we need a legal form "Gesellschaft mit gebundenem Vermögen"?
There is currently a controversial debate in Germany about the proposal to introduce the GmbH form "Gesellschaft mit gebundenem Vermögen". In this article, the authors examine the positive effects that the initiators attribute to the planned legal form from an economic perspective.

Working Papers | 2024 Regional Entrepreneurship: Pain or gain for economic growth?
This research note examines the relationship between start-up rates and GDP per capita growth in urban and rural regions in Germany.
Data of the IfM Bonn
Use for scientific research purposes The data collected by the IfM Bonn can be used by scientists free of charge for their research activities. The data can only be accessed after signing a data use…
Guest researcher
Guest researcher The IfM Bonn promotes scientific exchange and cooperation around the globe. We invite you to spend research periods in a highly creative and stimulating environment at the IfM Bonn.…
IfM Research Fellow Network
IfM Research Fellow Network The internationally oriented IfM Research Fellow Network offers its members a platform for regular exchange on current research topics, the opportunity for guest…

Policy Brief "Entrepreneurship in Focus" | 2024 The potential of angel investing in Entrepreneurship-Through-Acquisition
While the investment activities of business angels are primarily associated with startups, they also invest to a notable extent in the entrepreneurial acquisition variant of company formation ("Entrepreneurship-through-acquisition" or ETA).
Business start-ups
Start-ups Start-ups are key actors driving the rejuvenation and the modernization of the economy. Also, start-ups are considered to be outstanding job creators and innovators. Please find below…
Innovation activities
Innovation activities Innovative entrepreneurial behaviour is an essential prerequisite for growth, structural change and the competitiveness of an economy. Mittelstand (SME) enterprises have huge…