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1163 Results

Policy Brief "Entrepreneurship in Focus" | 2024 Capturing entrepreneurial activities among minors

The authors explain in the policy brief what minors’ entrepreneurial activities characterise. Minors mainly use self-employment to try things out, implement ideas on the market, and acquire skills that prepare them for their later working lives.

Third party research

Ongoing and completed contract research Are you planning to commission a scientifically sound study or expertise? Then we will be happy to help you - from concept development, data collection and…

Third party research | 2024 Prevention and intervention to protect against discrimination in working life

In 2006, the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG) came into effect. That meant the creation of the legal framework for largely uniform protection against discrimination in Germany.

Third party research | 2024 The Promotion of Sustainable Financing by the EU - Effects on the German Mittelstand

Economic policy is currently adjusting the economic framework conditions to counteract climate change. At the European level, this is regulated by the so-called European Green Deal.

Third party research | 2024 Bureaucratic costs of companies in the mechanical and plant engineering sector

Bureaucratic requirements for companies are a double-edged sword. On the one hand, laws and regulations mean companies act according to general and predictable rules and there is a fair competition base.

Third party research | 2024 Unternehmensnachfolge im Baugewerbe

Es gibt keine Schätzung oder Befragung, die verlässlich Auskunft darüber gibt, wie viele der Unternehmen im Baugewerbe in den kommenden Jahren vor der Nachfolgeregelung stehen oder was die Besonderheiten der Nachfolgeregelungen im Baugewerbe sind.


Third party research | 2024 Determination of the number of employees with income above the contribution assessment ceiling for pension insurance based on income tax data

Ziel der Studie ist es, die Anzahl der Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmer zu ermitteln, die Bruttoentgelte oberhalb der Beitragsbemessungsgrenze der GRV erzielen, und zwar differenziert nach Einkunftsklassen, Versichertenkreis Ost und West sowie ausgewählten soziodemografischen Merkmalen.

Third party research | 2024 Quantification of the founders of the year 2018

Die Bundesregierung plant für Selbstständige, die bisher von keinem Alterssicherungssystem erfasst werden, eine Altersvorsorgepflicht einzuführen, wenn sie 2 Jahre selbstständig sind und ihre Einkünfte aus der Selbstständigkeit über der Geringfügigkeitsgrenze einer abhängigen Beschäftigung liegen.

Third party research | 2024 Hybrid self-employment - development, structure and characteristics

The study examines the hybrid forms of employment in Germany which means that individuals at working age are both dependent and self-employed.