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1163 Results

Business succession in family businesses

Business succession in family businesses According to estimates of the IfM, about 30,000 family businesses are in the process of being handed over every year, which affects approx. 480,000…


Digitalisation Mittelstand (SME) enterprises shape the digital change, but are also challenged by the digital transformation. One outstanding challenge is the rapid pace of technological…

Challenge climate change

Challenge climate change In Germany, climate neutrality is to be reached by 2045. In this dossier you will find information on the extent to which Mittelstand companies are already aware of the…

Mittelstand and the European Union

Mittelstand and the European Union Since January 1st, 1993, the European Union and its single market guarantee the free movement of goods, services, capital and individuals. Though consider-able…

Mittelstand (SME) policy

Mittelstand (SME) policy Mittelstand (SME) enterprises are diverse: We observe a considerable heterogeneity in business models and industries, including crafts enterprises, service providers,…

Framework conditions conducive to SMEs

Framework conditions conducive to SMEs The studies in this research area examine which legal, political and regional framework conditions support SMEs in their transformations. Closely linked to…

SMEs (in) the future

SMEs (in) the future In this research area, scientists at the IfM Bonn are investigating how sectors, company forms and the organization of companies are changing and how SMEs can implement…


Use for scientific research purposes The data collected by the IfM Bonn can be used by scientists free of charge for their own research activities on the institute premises. more Ongoing…

Crisis resistance in the SME sector

Crisis resistance in the SME sector This research area investigates what characterizes a crisis-resistant SME sector - and how this crisis resistance can be achieved. The studies examine the role of…

Data pool "SMEs"

Data pool "SMEs" Research activities in this area focus on the general situation, development and economic significance of SMEs. Of particular importance are the regular studies for the…


Data pool "Mittelstand“ | 2024 Continuous update of SME-relevant data and facts

The core tasks of this research area include the periodic collection and preparation of data and facts specific to business start-ups and different company sizes. In addition to the updating of sector-specific statistics, key SME indicators, sectoral data and regional data are regularly compiled.


Crisis resilience in Mittelstand enterprises | 2024 Women as founders and entrepreneurs - causes of their persistent underrepresentation

Recently, the topic of family formation and entrepreneurial activity has gained public attention under the heading of maternity protection for the self-employed. The discussion of the largely absent social protection for self-employed women during pregnancy and maternity leave periods has revealed a glaring lack of fundamental knowledge.


The future of Mittelstand enterprises | 2024 Speeding up approval procedures

Many small and medium-sized businesses experience a dual transformation that involves significant investments in modernization and expansion. However, realizing these changes often requires going through lengthy and complex planning and approval processes, despite the promise of legal certainty.


The future of Mittelstand enterprises | 2024 Development of a foresight process for "SMEs"

The current multiple and, in some cases, unexpectedly occurring crises pose significant challenges for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and SME policies. The task of applied SME research is to identify new challenges for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) at an early stage, enabling policymakers to make proactive decisions in support of the SME sector.


Framework conditions supporting SMEs | 2024 Practice Checks for Medium-Sized Businesses

The federal government aims to relieve businesses by reducing unnecessary bureaucracy. The current coalition agreement (p. 26) outlines the intention to "develop a systematic procedure for reviewing the bureaucratic effort of laws and regulations, involving stakeholders regularly (practice check)."


Framework conditions supporting SMEs | 2024 Regulatory framework conditions for a future-oriented SME policy

The Climate Protection Act stipulates that Germany must achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045. This goal is to be reached in an economically efficient manner, which is in general best achieved through a forward-looking realignment of the relevant framework conditions.


IfM-Forum The IfM Bonn is a member of the vibrant national and international research community and contributes to scientific discussions. We welcome researchers worldwide to present their…

Cross-sectional projects

Cross-sectional projects Cross-sectional projects include studies that address a specific topic over several years and are relevant to all existing programme areas.

External publication | 2024 Access to digital finance: Equity crowdfunding across countries and platforms

Financing entrepreneurship spurs innovation and economic growth. Digital financial platforms that crowdfund equity for entrepreneurs have emerged globally, yet they remain poorly understood.

Facts and figures | 2024 The underrepresentation of women in entrepreneurship

Although the number of self-employed women has increased more than men in recent decades, there is still a clear under-representation of women in entrepreneurship.