1163 Results

Chartbooks | 2023 Mittelstands Future Panel: The Future Panel 2023: Increased competitive pressure challenges companies
For the third consecutive time, both medium-sized and non-owner-managed companies cited the shortage of skilled workers as their biggest challenge. The current survey also shows that the dominance of "competitive pressure" as a challenge.
External publication | 2023 The interplay of context and entrepreneurship: the new frontier for contextualisation research
The aim of this Special Issue ties in with increasing calls in the entrepreneurship literature for going beyond agent centric views towards accounts that theorise the interconnections between agency and structure.
External publication | 2023 A highly innovative SME sector needs reliable framework conditions
What general conditions are currently needed to strengthen innovation and investment in the Mittelstand?

IfM-Materialien | 2023 Influence of administrative burdens on the cross-border posting of employees by SMEs in border regions
Based on interviews with companies and experts, the study examines the extent to which administrative requirements hinder or prevent the cross-border provision of services by German and Dutch SMEs in selected border regions.
External publication | 2023 Gesellschaft mit gebundenen Vermögen – a legal form that can actually facilitate business successions in the future?
This paper analyses the suitability of the new legal form of the "Gesellschaft mit gebundenem Vermögen" planned in the coalition agreement for the context of business successions.
External publication | 2023 The attractiveness of polytechnics in Delhi and Mumbai: a study on the perception from the perspective of students and parents
This article analyses the attractiveness of Polytechnics (PTs) in India, which are part of the country’s Vocational Education and Training (VET) system, from the perspectives of individuals. PTs as institutions of Higher VET are an essential part of the Indian VET system.