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1163 Results

Policy Brief "Entrepreneurship in Focus" | 2023 SMEs now play a larger role in trade and FDI relations between Germany and Brazil

Using new statistical data sources, this policy brief highlights a considerable and growing importance of German SMEs for the trade and FDI relations between Brazil and Germany.

IfM-Materialien | 2023 Entrepreneurship of minors: Prevalence and characteristics

Diese explorative Studie beleuchtet erstmals auf Basis des Taxpayer-Panels sowie selbst erhobener Daten die unternehmerische Selbstständigkeit von Minderjährigen.

Policy Brief "Entrepreneurship in Focus" | 2023 How young and established companies differ with regard to sustainability and digitisation efforts

The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor data from 2021 shows that new business owner-managers and established business owner-managers have different digitisation and sustainability efforts.

Facts and figures | 2023 Hybrid self-employment in the employment trajectory. Analyses based on the Taxpayer Panel 2001-2018

From a socio-political point of view, the growing number of hybrid self-employed is associated with the concern that gaps could open up in their old-age provision. However, hybrid self-employment episodes are usually of short duration, although they often occur several times in the course of employment.

Perception of climate risks

Perception of climate risks

Denkpapiere | 2023 “Gesellschaft mit gebundenen Vermögen” – A critical view of the legal form from an economic perspective

This paper analyses the new legal form of the "Gesellschaft mit gebundenem Vermögen" planned in the coalition agreement. It shows that the core elements of the legal form (asset lock as well as the retention of company shares in the so-called "capabilities and values family") could endanger rather than promote the continued existence of companies in the long term.

IfM-Materialien | 2023 Adapting to climate change: Exploring the specific challenges for SMEs

We investigate whether and how businesses perceive and adapt to climate change. Our survey results suggest that most German enterprises are aware of climate change and its consequences. The perception of climate risks is less driven by business size than by experience.

Policy Brief "Entrepreneurship in Focus" | 2023 Hybrid self-employed and paid employees with a mid-job

Starting in July 2019, midijobbers acquire full pension entitlements despite reduced contributions. This favours hybrid self-employed with midijob over-dependent employees.

External publication | 2023 In danger of being left behind?

Has the Mittelstand lost its charisma? Based on a corpus of newspaper articles, the autors use a multi-dimensional approach combining content, framing, and metaphor analysis to expose how media report about the digital transformation in the German Mittelstand.

Policy Brief "Entrepreneurship in Focus" | 2023 Regional social capital and the entrepreneurial process

Business start-ups do not take place in a vacuum but are deeply embedded in the regional social context.