131 Results
IfM-Materialien | 2021 Business resilience: Influencing factors in the corona pandemic
This study develops a resilience model for companies based on a literature review. Based on this, we identify influencing factors and mechanisms relevant to coping with the Corona pandemic using case studies.

IfM-Materialien | 2021 Fintechs: Opportunities for SME Financing?
The study examines the potential of fintechs for SME financing. Fintechs often bring together capital supply and demand more efficiently than banks.

IfM-Materialien | 2021 Founding success of academics in German univiersities - a process oriented perspective
Im Rahmen dieser Studie werden die Einflüsse auf den Gründungserfolg von Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern an deutschen Hochschulen über einen Zeitraum von sieben Jahren analysiert.

IfM-Materialien | 2021 Challenges related to Business Transfers: Companies between continuation and closure
The transfer of a business involves a multitude of challenges. Among them, it is essential to find a successor willing to take over the business to avoid a closure.

IfM-Materialien | 2020 The income situation of the self-employed and their capability of retirement provision
We examine German administrative tax data and find that six in ten self-employed individuals obtain annual incomes of less than 10,000 Euro with their entrepreneurial activity. However, many of these self-employed achieve additional incomes or partners contribute to household income.

IfM-Materialien | 2020 Challenges of apprenticeship in micro-enterprises
Developments on the apprenticeship market show not only a declining number of apprentices in establishments with less than ten employees, but also that fewer and fewer micro-enterprises are offering apprenticeships at all.

IfM-Materialien | 2020 The societal impact of German Mittelstand: Conceptual considerations
This study conceptually explores the societal impact of Mittelstand companies. It aims to analyse the societal role of the German Mittelstand beyond measurable effects (CSR, CC) and to develop a basis for subsequent empirical studies.

IfM-Materialien | 2020 Mittelstand Future Panel 2020 - Update of the expert survey on current and future challanges for der German Mittelstand
Securing innovation and competitiveness is the greatest challenge for the Mittelstand, both now and in the future.

IfM-Materialien | 2020 From idea to profit - an empirical analysis of the development processes of start-ups
The study analyses start-up processes in the alternative energy and information technology sectors. The findings reveal that start-ups do not follow a uniform process.

IfM-Materialien | 2020 Labor shortages in knowledge-intense occupations - Reactions of the demand and supply side
This conceptual study explores the relationship between labor shortages in knowledge-intensive occupations, the individual entrepreneurial choice, and strategic consequences for SMEs.

IfM-Materialien | 2020 Determinant of regional start-up activities – A feasibility study
In view of regional differences in start-up activities the question about underlying reasons emerges. However, to shed light on those reasons there are several challenges to be overcome. The aim of this feasibility study is therefore to examine the means to overcome those challenges.

IfM-Materialien | 2020 Cross-company innovations in change: An opportunity for Mittelstand firms?
Nowadays, German Mittelstand firms are increasingly innovating across company boundaries. The study shows triggers, functionalities and challenges of this joint innovation development.

IfM-Materialien | 2020 Challenges for the German Mittelstand – Updated Views from Entrepreneurs in 2019
What topics are enterprises of the German Mittelstand considering in the foreseeable future? For the third time, the IfM Bonn examines future challenges for German Mittelstand from the entrepreneur's point of view. The study is based on a representative company survey on the perception of bureaucracy at the turn of the year 2018/2019.

IfM-Materialien | 2019 Determinants of SME financing across selected European countries
This study examines the impact on small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) financing in nine selected European countries.

IfM-Materialien | 2019 Entrepreneurial target systems: Are medium-sized companies really different from others?
German SMEs are characterized - both nationally and internationally - as a special group of companies that stand out due to specific characteristics, behaviors and values.

IfM-Materialien | 2019 Bureaucratic perception of companies
This study examines how companies perceive bureaucracy. Three different kinds of perception types can be identified, depending on the degree of perceived overall burden, the extent of efforts required to fulfil bureaucratic requirements and the degree of emotion caused by bureaucracy; the Unencumbered Type, the Pragmatic Type and the Grumbling Type.

IfM-Materialien | 2019 Persistence of self-employed receiving means-tested benefits
Persistence of self-employed receiving means-tested benefitsWe analyze the situation of self-employed receiving means-tested benefits in Germany. A severe loss of income is the main reason why self-employed individuals become entitled for means-tested benefits.

IfM-Materialien | 2019 Leadership Skills in the age of digitization - The context of the firm matters
This study deals with leadership skills for successful digitization. On the basis of interviews with the management level of companies with different ownership structures, industries, sizes and digitization, three different types of competencies were identified.

IfM-Materialien | 2018 How small and medium-sized enterprises deal with demographic challenges - A trend study
The IfM Bonn investigates on the basis a representative trend study for the period 2007 to 2017, how SMEs meet the demographic change.

IfM-Materialien | 2018 The influence of the founding process on regional economic growth
This study examines the influence of the founding process on economic development. For this purpose, the 402 German districts and cities were considered. The study shows that districts with high rates of start-ups do not automatically generate higher growth.