131 Results

IfM-Materialien | 2013 The employment contribution of medium-sized export companies
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are an anchor of stability for employment in times of crisis. This is the conclusion reached by the scientists of the Bonn Institute for SME Research (IfM Bonn): Between 2001 and 2009, the number of employees in all SMEs grew by 13.6 % - and even in the crisis years 2008/09 by 2.9 %.

IfM-Materialien | 2012 Public funding of company takeovers - necessity and design
This study investigated the question of what public support services are offered for successions in Germany and the extent to which state support is necessary.

IfM-Materialien | 2012 Analysis of the German immigration system with regard to the demand for skilled workers in medium-sized companies
Among other things, policymakers in Germany are relying on the immigration of highly qualified persons from third countries to fill gaps in skilled labor.

IfM-Materialien | 2012 Internationalization paths of medium-sized companies in Eastern Europe - internationalization process and location effects using the example of Lower Saxony's SMEs
For Western European companies in general and for Western European small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in particular, the political and economic opening of the markets in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) at the beginning of the 1990s provided an important reason to intensify their activities in the Greater CEE region.

IfM-Materialien | 2012 Company successions in Germany - Current trends
Since the last large-scale, nationwide company survey on the topic of succession was conducted in Germany in 1989, there was a need for up-to-date data.

IfM-Materialien | 2012 The importance of short-time work compensation in medium-sized companies
In the course of the economic crisis in 2008/09, short-time working was made significantly more attractive in accordance with § 170 SGB III and the maximum period of entitlement was greatly extended.

IfM-Materialien | 2012 Obstacles and problems in the founding of companies by migrants
Although migrants are more likely than non-migrants to start a business, the question arises as to whether obstacles and problems arise in the start-up process that have a particular effect on migrants.

IfM-Materialien | 2012 Freelance start-ups in Germany - Results of a first evaluation of data from the tax authorities
The foundation statistics of the IfM Bonn did not contain any information on non-commercial foundations, especially freelancers. In order to determine the number of start-ups in all sectors of the economy, data on tax registrations with the tax authorities were evaluated for the first time in 15 federal states.

IfM-Materialien | 2012 Innovation activity in medium-sized companies - measurement and evaluation
The object of the present study is a critical stock-taking of the innovation activity of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in comparison to large companies in Germany.

IfM-Materialien | 2011 The supplementation of the foundation statistics of the IfM Bonn by freelance foundations - results of a pilot study at the example North Rhine-Westphalia
The foundation statistics of the IfM Bonn did not contain any data on non-commercial foundations, including freelance foundations. In order to determine the number of start-ups covering all economic sectors, data on tax registration with the tax authorities in North Rhine-Westphalia was evaluated for the first time.

IfM-Materialien | 2011 Inclusion of freelance start-ups in the foundation statistics of the IfM Bonn - Analysis of possible data sources
Based on the quality criteria of reliability and coverage, the foundation statistics of the IfM Bonn can be regarded as one of the most important data sources on foundation activities in Germany. However, it does not include the start-ups of the liberal professions.

IfM-Materialien | 2011 Demolition and postponement of start-up projects: An empirical analysis with data from the IfM Bonn start-up panel
Business start-ups are considered an important driving force for economic structural change and thus a source of more growth and employment. Therefore, the question of which factors are responsible for the success of start-ups or young companies plays a central role in start-up research.

IfM-Materialien | 2011 The Founder Panel of the IfM Bonn - Concept and possible uses
The Founder Panel of the IfM Bonn records potential founders even before the idea of founding a company is implemented. The panel is based on surveys of potential founders at start-up fairs.

IfM-Materialien | 2011 Experience of medium-sized companies with the new Bachelor and Master degrees
The signing of the Bologna Declaration in 1999 marked the beginning of the reform of the European higher education system. This reform, known as the Bologna Process, has led to far-reaching changes in the higher education sector in Germany.

IfM-Materialien | 2011 Duration and costs of administrative foundation procedures in Germany
With reference to the Lisbon Strategy, the European Council in March 2006 for the first time set the EU member states various targets for the acceleration and simplification of administrative foundation procedures, which were tightened up again in May 2011.

IfM-Materialien | 2011 NUI Region Ranking 2009 - New entrepreneurship in the regions of Germany
Start-ups and new settlements change the business landscape in a region and are an expression of an attractive economic environment that promotes entrepreneurship and self-employment.

IfM-Materialien | 2010 Evaluation of the implementation status of the EA Act in North Rhine-Westphalia
According to the EU Services Directive, the Points of Single Contact (PSC) are intended to support foreigners in the handling of all procedures relevant to the taking up and exercise of a service activity in the respective member state. It should be possible to complete the entire process electronically.

IfM-Materialien | 2010 BDI Panel for medium-sized businesses 2010
In the context of a long-term study on industrial SMEs in Germany, the IfM Bonn has been surveying a fixed group of industrial companies twice a year since 2005. In addition to an assessment of the current and future economic situation, the industrial companies are also asked to comment on topics relevant to daily politics and business management.

IfM-Materialien | 2010 Public procurement - Effects of the centralized bundling of requirements by the federal government on SMEs
In December 2003, the German government laid the foundation stone for a stronger orientation of public procurement towards business management standards with the cabinet resolution on "Optimizing Public Procurement".

IfM-Materialien | 2010 Meeting the demand for skilled workers in small and medium-sized enterprises: Situation analysis and recommendations for action
The covering of the skilled worker need is fu¨r the competitive ability of each enterprise of crucial importance. Since new jobs are created the sooner the better the economic situation is, the greater the number of staffing problems in the economic upswing.