129 Results
IfM-Materialien | 2018 Influence of the regional banking system on SME financing
As a result of the financial crisis, British companies had much more problems obtaining loans than German companies. The study shows that one reason for this could be the German regional banking system and its specific characteristics.
IfM-Materialien | 2018 Regional start-up environments using the example of selected hotspots
In the context of the study, start-up environments are examined on the basis of five selected start-up hotspots. The study showed that universities offer a variety of advantages for the regions as start-up locations, especially when they cooperate closely with regional players in the start-up process.
IfM-Materialien | 2018 Reform of the Points of Single Contact (PSC) - suggestions from European good practice examples
The starting point of the study is Germany's lagging behind other EU countries in implementing the point of single contact. Based on guideline-based expert interviews, the study presents the more digitized EA systems in Austria and Denmark and derives recommendations for action for Germany.
IfM-Materialien | 2018 Innovation activities of non-researching medium-sized companies
This study is dedicated to non-researching, medium-sized innovators. These mostly small companies are primarily found in the service sector. The aim was to determine which alternative strategies non-researching innovators implement to generate innovations and to what extent they can replace R&D.
IfM-Materialien | 2017 Internationalization in the business-related service sector - forms, obstacles and support needs of German SMEs
Services are ascribed trade-restrictive characteristics such as a high need for explanation, low standardizability and interaction between provider and recipient. Similarly, the limited resources in SMEs suggest a low level of trade activity in the service sector.
IfM-Materialien | 2017 New approaches for SME policy - Impulses from international good practice examples
This study identifies innovative approaches to SME policy on the basis of four international examples of good practice.
IfM-Materialien | 2017 Family businesses of migrants
In the present study, we examine the special features of immigrant-run family businesses, to which every tenth family business in Germany belongs. Although they are on average smaller and younger than non-migrant family businesses, migrant family businesses make a valuable contribution to the national economy.
IfM-Materialien | 2017 Founding success of scientists at German universities
In this paper we analyze influences on the founding process and founding success of scientists. Only every sixth scientist who had a founding idea three years ago became entrepreneurially active.
IfM-Materialien | 2017 Cooperation between established medium-sized companies and start-ups
This study uses expert interviews to examine the motives, forms, challenges and success factors of cooperation between established medium-sized companies and start-ups. While start-ups hope to gain access to a large network and industry-specific know-how through cooperation, SMEs are motivated by access to new technologies and highly qualified specialists.
IfM-Materialien | 2017 Innovation and growth as a challenge for medium-sized businesses - update of the entrepreneurial view 2017
In order to secure its competitiveness, medium-sized companies are focusing primarily on innovation and growth. This is the result of the company survey on the challenges facing medium-sized companies.
IfM-Materialien | 2017 Disruptive innovations: Opportunities and risks for small and medium-sized enterprises
The subject of this study is the handling of increasingly emerging disruptive developments by medium-sized companies. The majority of the companies consider their own business model to be well equipped for the future. However, this is only critically questioned when problems are already noticeable.
IfM-Materialien | 2017 The importance of owner- and family-run companies in Germany
This study examines how the share of owner- and family-run companies in the total number of all companies has changed since 1998.
IfM-Materialien | 2017 Zukunftspanel Mittelstand 2017 - Update of an expert survey on current and future challenges of German medium-sized businesses
Digitization has become a challenge for medium-sized businesses in many areas. This is the conclusion of the latest expert survey for the Future Panel for SMEs 2017.
IfM-Materialien | 2017 Entrepreneurial behavior in the course of company succession
Based on data from the IAB Establishment Panel, this study examines entrepreneurial behavior before and after the handover and how this behavior affects the economic situation of companies. The analyses are based on the assumptions of the investment backlog and growth impulse hypothesis.
IfM-Materialien | 2017 Digitization processes of SMEs in manufacturing industry
This study examines the degree of digitization of companies in the manufacturing sector based on a representative survey of 1,400 companies in North Rhine-Westphalia, Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg.
IfM-Materialien | 2017 Global networking, cooperation and value creation in medium-sized businesses
With the help of theoretical analyses and in-depth expert interviews, this study examines the challenges and opportunities for small and medium-sized companies associated with participation in (global) value chains.
IfM-Materialien | 2016 SME policy in practice - framework setting or promotion?
The present analysis develops elements of a future-oriented SME policy at the federal state level. So far, SME policy has concentrated on subsidy policy, compensation for disadvantages or "picking the winner"
IfM-Materialien | 2016 "The 21st century is female" - Women entrepreneurs in the press
The present study examines the press reporting on entrepreneur inside in particular with view of it, which picture of entrepreneur interiorness in the press reports is obtained.
IfM-Materialien | 2016 Once an entrepreneur, always an entrepreneur? Self-employment in the course of employment
The present study analyzes the employment histories of self-employed persons of different birth cohorts. Our results show that most self-employed persons have only one phase of self-employment in their life course and a large proportion of them remain permanently self-employed.
IfM-Materialien | 2016 The importance of non-technological innovations in the innovation process of medium-sized businesses
Small and medium-sized companies are considered innovative and adaptable, but an increasing innovation gap is noted. For this study, the innovation participation of SMEs was analyzed with a special focus on non-technological innovations based on the Community Innovation Surveys.