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The IfM research results are published in the IfM Materials series.

131 Results

IfM-Materialien | 2010 Economic significance of family and women's businesses

The IfM Bonn estimates at larger intervals the shares of family businesses in the number and turnover of all companies as well as the number of employees subject to social insurance contributions in the German economy. These key figures were last determined in 2007. A corresponding estimate for women's companies was presented by the IfM Bonn in 2003.

IfM-Materialien | 2010 Company successions in Germany 2010 to 2014 - Estimation with further developed method

The IfM Bonn submits estimates of the number and structure of pending business transfers in Germany at regular intervals, the last time in 2004 for the years 2005 to 2009.

IfM-Materialien | 2010 The opportunity costs of social security when changing from unemployment benefit I to self-employment: Simulation calculations for selected case groups

In view of the serious differences in the possibilities of social security offered to recipients of unemployment benefit I and self-employed persons, the present study examines how high the so-called opportunity costs of social security are when a recipient of unemployment benefit I becomes self-employed and what influence these opportunity costs have on his or her decision to become self-employed.

IfM-Materialien | 2010 Sustainability and success of start-ups out of unemployment - results of a follow-up survey of start-ups from the founding and accompanying circles of the G.I.B.

On behalf of the Gesellschaft für innovative Beschäftigungsförderung mbH (G.I.B.), the IfM Bonn has evaluated the start-ups it has supported. After the initial evaluation in 2008, a follow-up study on the sustainability and success of these start-ups from (threatened) unemployment and of people returning to work is now available.

IfM-Materialien | 2010 Reorganizations in insolvency proceedings - transferable reorganizations and own reorganizations based on insolvency plans in NRW

The reform of the insolvency law carried out in 1999 should, among other things, enable more insolvent companies to continue their activities. So far, however, hardly any representative data are available on the extent to which this goal has been achieved.

IfM-Materialien | 2010 Economic policy approaches to support Corporate Social Responsibility activities

The voluntary assumption of responsibility for social and ecological issues by companies is discussed under the term Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Since not only companies but also the general public benefits from this, CSR is gaining more and more public acceptance.

IfM-Materialien | 2010 When are creditors paid out?- Duration of corporate insolvency proceedings in regional comparison

Creditors who are affected by the insolvency of a self-employed person or a company expect a repayment of their outstanding claims. It is not known after what time after the Insolvency Code came into force in 1999, a distribution from the debtor's assets is usually made.

IfM-Materialien | 2010 The largest family businesses - spring 2010

Since the largest German family-owned companies meet with broad public interest, the Institute for SME Research Bonn was founded in 2009 by the Federal Association of German Industry e.V. (BDI) and the Deutsche Bank AG to prepare a long-term study series.

IfM-Materialien | 2010 Information asymmetries in succession outside the family and how to overcome them

Nearly half of all successions in Germany take place outside the family. Since here, unlike with family-internal transfers, neither the buyer knows the company nor the transferor knows the buyer well, special problems arise due to asymmetrically distributed information.

IfM-Materialien | 2009 BDI medium-sized companies panel 2009

In the context of a long-term study on industrial SMEs in Germany, the IfM Bonn has been surveying a fixed group of industrial companies twice a year since 2005.

IfM-Materialien | 2009 Sales and personnel policy in the craft trade sector in the face of demographic change

In the coming years the German resident population will age strongly, which will not be without consequences for the sales, procurement and job markets. A goal of the present study was it to examine the specific situation of the handicraft in this demographic revolution process.

IfM-Materialien | 2009 Family-External Succession in the Free State of Saxony: The Finding of Handers and Takeovers

With a total of 1,700 to 2,700 family businesses affected, the Free State of Saxony has the most succession arrangements in the new federal states, depending on estimates. Succession solutions outside the family have become increasingly important in recent years.

IfM-Materialien | 2009 The quotas of insolvency creditors in regular and insolvency plan proceedings - Results of insolvency proceedings after the insolvency law reform

The reform of the insolvency law in 1999 was aimed at improving the satisfaction quotas of insolvency creditors and enabling more insolvent companies to continue as a going concern. An evaluation of the reform has so far been difficult due to a lack of representative data.

IfM-Materialien | 2009 Development of the foundation and liquidation process in NRW

In the following, the founding and liquidation events in NRW are processed specifically on the basis of the available statistics on founding and liquidation events in the corporate sector.

IfM-Materialien | 2009 BDI Panel for medium-sized businesses 2008

In the context of a long-term study on industrial SMEs in Germany, the IfM Bonn has been surveying a fixed group of industrial companies twice a year since 2005. In addition to an assessment of the current and future economic situation, the industrial companies are also asked to comment on topics relevant to daily politics and business management.

IfM-Materialien | 2008 The start-up behavior of older people: An empirical analysis with data from the IfM Bonn start-up panel

The population in Germany, as in almost all other industrial nations, will age considerably and shrink in numbers in the coming decades. This development, known as demographic change, will also have an impact on future business start-ups. This is because the age group of those over 45 years of age with a low foundation rate is constantly increasing, while at the same time the younger age groups with a high foundation rate are decreasing.

IfM-Materialien | 2008 Sales and personnel policies of medium-sized companies in the face of demographic change

The demographic development will lead to sustainable changes in the economy and society in the medium to long term. The aging and shrinking of the population in Germany will affect both the demand for goods and the availability and prices of production factors such as labor and capital.

IfM-Materialien | 2008 Succession outside the family - finding together the transferor and the transferee

According to estimates of the IfM Bonn, 71,000 family businesses per year are faced with the regulation of succession. Succession solutions outside the family have become increasingly important in recent years. However, the realization of a succession outside the family is much more difficult than the realization of an internal family solution - especially in the so-called matching phase.

IfM-Materialien | 2008 Cost measurement of the processes of public supply, service and construction contracts from the perspective of the economy and public clients

Each year, the more than 30,000 federal, state and local authorities that award contracts purchase goods and services for 300 billion euros, in some cases involving lengthy and complex award procedures.

IfM-Materialien | 2008 Duration and costs of administrative foundation procedures in Germany

Based on the objectives of the European Council of March 2006 to accelerate and simplify the foundation procedures, the IfM Bonn has examined the duration and costs of the administrative foundation procedures in Germany according to uniform definitional and methodical guidelines of the European Commission.