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External publications

All publications that IfM scientists have published externally are compiled here.

244 Results

External publication | 2014 On the way to gender-specific models in start-up research

The number of women entrepreneurs is not only growing rapidly worldwide - they also make a significant contribution to employment, innovation and economic growth.

External publication | 2014 Social sustainability of cooperatives in traditional crafts

The sub-project "Social Sustainability of Cooperatives in Traditional Handicrafts" examines the work and functioning of cooperatives in textile handicrafts against the background of the cultural conditions of the rural Berber areas around Marrakech.

External publication | 2014 Entrepreneurship in Emerging Market Economies: Contemporary Issues and Perspectives

Entrepreneurship increasingly is becoming a global phenomenon, although its nature, extent and contribution to economic development varies according to the context in which it occurs.

External publication | 2014 Enterprising families in a cross-border context: the example of Belarus

This chapter explores the nature of simple entrepreneurial cross-border activity in one of the harshest environments for entrepreneurship in the world, namely Belarus, where private business activity is tolerated rather than encouraged. As in other post-Soviet countries, following legislative changes in the late 1980s making it legally possible for non-state enterprises to exist, the early 1990s saw an explosion of entrepreneurial activity in Belarus, albeit in the absence of a comprehensive legal and institutional framework.

External publication | 2014 From the advanced transition environment to the international markets: key opportunities and challenges for MADARA cosmetics

Due to its geographical location, Latvia has always been of great interest to other countries, but especially to its neighbors.

External publication | 2014 EU Enlargement Effects on Cross-border Informal Entrepreneurial Activities

Border regions have various forms of entrepreneurial activities and offer many examples of informal entrepreneurial activities that have developed and endure due to their respective border location.

External publication | 2014 Entrepreneurship in Emerging Market Economies: Contemporary Issues and Perspectives

Entrepreneurship is increasingly becoming a global phenomenon, although its form, scope and contribution to economic development varies depending on the particular environment.

External publication | 2014 Enterprising families in a cross-border context: the example of Belarus

The book chapter examines the nature of simple cross-border activities in one of the world's harshest environments for entrepreneurship - Belarus.

External publication | 2014 From the advanced transition environment to the international markets: key opportunities and challenges for MADARA cosmetics

Latvia, the country in which MADARA Cosmetics Limited was established, is located in Northern Europe on the coastline of the Baltic Sea. Latvia extends over an area of 64 589 square kilometres and has approximately 2 million inhabitants. Due in large measure to its favourable geographical location, Latvia has historically attracted the interest of many countries, mostly in the neighbouring area.

External publication | 2014 Engine of success - focus on German medium-sized businesses

For the study "Engine of Success - Focus on German SMEs", scientists from the Institute for SME Research (IfM) in Bonn, commissioned by GE Capital, evaluated the survey of companies with sales ranging from 20 million to one billion euros.

External publication | 2014 My Wage is Unfair! Just a Feeling or Comparison with Peers?

Why do some employees feel that their pay is unfair? Are wage comparisons with other people a plausible approach to the perception of injustice?

External publication | 2014 Are medium-sized companies taking advantage of their opportunities in the international market? Current results of the spring survey 2014 of the BDI/PwC panel of medium-sized businesses

As part of a long-term study on industrial SMEs in Germany, the IfM Bonn surveyed a fixed group of industrial companies for the 19th time in the spring of 2014 on their assessment of the economic situation and on topics relevant to daily politics and business management.

External publication | 2014 Entrepreneurial acting makes school - a didactically justified conceptional suggestion for a Entrepreneurship Education for the promotion of entrepreneurial thinking and acting

Entrepreneurial thinking and acting is currently a hotly debated topic in social and educational policy. Due to the weak representation of entrepreneurship in the German education system compared to other innovation-oriented countries, there is a particular need for curricularly applicable concepts to promote entrepreneurial thinking and acting in the school context.

External publication | 2014 The largest family businesses - spring survey 2014

As part of the study series "The largest family-owned companies in Germany", the IfM Bonn conducted a survey of around 400 of the 4,500 largest family-owned companies in spring 2014 for the fifth time. This time, the focus of the survey is on the companies' investment and financing activities.

External publication | 2014 Score with intangible incentives

Classic incentives are no longer sufficient to attract and retain employees in the long term. Intangible incentives that increase employee motivation are also becoming increasingly important.

External publication | 2014 Medium-sized businesses in global competition

Foreign trade is of extraordinary importance for a developed economy like Germany. Growth and employment depend to a considerable extent on the foreign trade activities of companies in Germany.

External publication | 2014 Bureaucratic costs for small and medium-sized enterprises

The smaller a company is, the more time is needed to fulfill bureaucratic tasks. From an economic point of view, however, it is important to create positive conditions for every size of company.

External publication | 2013 BDI Mittelstandspanel: Results of the online survey of SMEs - Autumn 2013

As part of a long-term study on industrial SMEs in Germany, the IfM Bonn surveyed a fixed group of industrial companies for the 18th time in autumn 2013 on their assessment of the economic situation and on topics relevant to daily politics and business management.

External publication | 2013 The largest family businesses - 4th key figures update

As part of the study series "The largest family businesses in Germany", the IfM Bonn analyzed the balance sheet and P&L data of family businesses with annual sales of 50 million euros or more in the fall of 2013.