External publications
All publications that IfM scientists have published externally are compiled here.
244 Results
External publication | 2019 Different strokes for different folks: The job satisfaction of the selfemployed and the intersection of gender and migration background
Migrant-run businesses are an important component of entrepreneurial ecosystems in Germany - One in ten of the companies in Germany is migrant-run.
External publication | 2019 Implementation aids Work 4.0 Use artificial intelligence for productive and preventive work design: Background knowledge and design recommendations for the introduction of 4.0 technologies
Small and medium-sized companies are faced with the major task of mastering the challenges of the digital transformation in the working world and using it as an opportunity. The increasing use of new 4.0 technologies based on artificial intelligence (AI) influences many areas of our work and everyday life.
External publication | 2019 The Mittelstand: a Specific Entrepreneurial Profile of the Social Market Economy
Today, micro and young entrepreneurs often no longer perceive themselves as medium-sized companies. At the same time there are many entrepreneurs who do not intend to employ other gainfully employed persons.
External publication | 2019 Different Strokes for Different Folks: Entrepreneurs' Job Satisfaction and the Intersection of Gender and Migration Background
Migrant enterprises comprise about 10% of all enterprises in Germany and are therefore a crucial part of the German economy and its entrepreneurial ecosystems.

External publication | 2019 The largest family businesses in Germany, key figures update 2018
As part of the study series "The largest family businesses in Germany", the IfM Bonn analyzed the balance sheet and P&L data of family businesses with annual sales of 50 million euros or more in winter 2018.
External publication | 2018 Women-led enterprises in Germany: the more social, ecological and corporate responsible businesses?
Previous research results on the development of women- and men-owned companies emphasize the necessity to include the structural differences of companies as well as the different characteristics of entrepreneurs and female entrepreneurs or managers in studies.
External publication | 2018 The German Mittelstand: antithesis to Silicon Valley entrepreneurship?
While medium-sized companies enjoy a high level of international recognition, in Germany they are sometimes regarded as not sufficiently innovative, growth- or technology-oriented compared to companies in Silicon Valley.
External publication | 2018 Business Transferability Chances: Does the Gender of the Owner-Manager Matter?
The article examines the question of whether the entrepreneurial behavior of entrepreneurs differs in the run-up to a business handover.
External publication | 2018 Women´s Entrepreneurship in Europe
The handbook shows the challenges that need to be overcome in the research field of "Female Entrepreneurship", both now and in the future.
External publication | 2018 The Role of Gender in Family-Business Research: A Systematic Review of the Literature
The article provides a systematic literature review of the interaction between gender and family businesses.
External publication | 2018 Three waves and counting: the rising tide of contextualization in entrepreneurship research
Although the first research activities made very slow progress, the contextual topic within entrepreneurship research has made good progress in recent years.
External publication | 2018 Contextual Entrepreneurship: An Interdisciplinary Perspective
Over the past decade, context research has developed into an important field of science.

External publication | 2018 The largest family businesses in Germany - Company Survey 2017: Cooperation with Start-ups
As part of the study series "The largest family-owned companies in Germany", the IfM Bonn conducted a survey of around 250 of the 4,700 largest family-owned companies in spring 2018 for the ninth time.
External publication | 2018 The use of self-management by small and medium-sized enterprises 2013-2016
The law to further facilitate the restructuring of companies (ESUG) changed the types of proceedings that allow companies threatened by insolvency to continue.
External publication | 2018 [Übersetzen nach: English] Entrepreneurial resourcefulness in unstable institutional contexts: The example of European Union borderlands
This paper aims to understand entrepreneurial resourceful behavior in contexts characterized by difficult economic conditions and institutional changes.
External publication | 2018 Women entrepreneurs´ financing revisited: taking stock and looking forward
Do financing agencies discriminate against women entrepreneurs, or is this simply a perception? Does the persistent underrepresentation of women in the financing industry, especially in venture capital, play a role?

External publication | 2017 The largest family-owned companies in Germany, key figures update 2017
As part of the study series "The largest family businesses in Germany", the IfM Bonn analyzed the balance sheet and P&L data of family businesses with annual sales of 50 million euros or more in the fall of 2017.
External publication | 2017 Data security and missing standards in medium-sized businesses
This book contribution examines the question of whether data and legal security as well as the lack of standards and norms represent significant challenges for the realization of Industry 4.0 for manufacturing companies in Germany.
External publication | 2017 SME and Entrepreneurship Policy in Canada
The report provides a comprehensive assessment of the structure and performance of SME and entrepreneurship activity in Canada, the business environment and framework conditions for SMEs and entrepreneurship, the strategic framework and delivery arrangements for policy, national SME and entrepreneurship programmes and the local dimension of the policy.
External publication | 2017 Business Takeover or New Venture? (Why) Do Women Prefer New Ventures?
This paper analyzes the role of (nascent) entrepreneurs’ sex in choosing the mode of business entry. Using a unique data set and estimating logit regressions we show that nascent entrepreneurs’ sex indeed affects their intended and actually chosen mode of entry.