External publications
All publications that IfM scientists have published externally are compiled here.
241 Results
External publication | 2022 Company succession in the construction industry
To date, no estimate or survey provides reliable information on how many of the companies in the construction industry are facing succession in the coming years or the specifics of the succession process in the construction industry.
External publication | 2022 Motives for cooperation between established SMEs and start-ups
Cooperations between start-ups and established Mittelstand companies are be-coming increasingly popular. This article deals with the motives for entering into such a cooperative relationship. After all, young innovative companies and es-tablished Mittelstand companies have different prerequisites.
External publication | 2022 In the eye of the beholder? Differentiating between SMEs and Mittelstand
A common fallacy is that small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are the translation for Mittelstand companies. Until today, no common, widely accepted, and consistently applied understanding of what constitutes the Mittelstand exists, and related international research is consequently less coherent as well as a strong evidence-base for policy makers lacking.
External publication | 2022 Knowledge Accumulation in Entrepreneurship
As the field of entrepreneurship has grown, so has the accumulated knowledge about individual entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial ventures, and the entrepreneurial environment.
External publication | 2022 Protection against discrimination and the promotion of diversity in the workplace
This study analyses the implementation of diversity and antisdiscrimination measures in companies, administrations and third sector organisations 15 years after introduction of the AGG and the establishment of the „Charta der Vielfalt.
External publication | 2022 Business Successions in Germany. Current estimates of the IfM Bonn
Due to the lack of available official statistics, the Institut für Mittelstandsforschung (IfM) Bonn has been regularly estimating the number of family businesses in Germany that are due for succession in the next five years for almost 30 years using a specially developed estimation procedure.
External publication | 2022 Ausländische Staatsangehörige als Gründer in NRW zwischen 2003 und 2018
The report shows that start-ups founded by immigrants have contributed significantly to NRW's economy between 2003 and 2018.
External publication | 2022 Reduce bureaucracy
Even if policymakers use numerous instruments to reduce bureaucracy, many Mittelstand companies feel that the bureaucratic regulations – but especially the regulations for their implementation–- are too high.
External publication | 2022 Private Equity in the Mittelstand - Analysis of the Development of Private Equity Financed Companies
The aim of the study is to analyze the development of equity-financed companies in comparision to companies without private equity financing. Overall, the equity-financed companies developed very positively and outperformed the randomly selected peer group of companies without equity financing.
External publication | 2021 The CRADLE teaching methodology: deve-loping foreign language and entrepreneurial skills in primary school pupils
In recent years, a consensus has grown across the European Union that the acquisition of transversal skills—including foreign language and entrepreneurial skills—is key to the success of learners in their personal and professional life.
External publication | 2021 EntreComp at Work. The European Entrepreneurship Competence Framework in Action in the Labour Market: A Selection of Case Studies
Today’s world is characterised by volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. Technological developments are redefining the nature of work, transferring tasks from humans to algorithms or robots. Demographic trends, globalisation, climate change, are also contributing to rapid transformations of labour markets.
External publication | 2021 EntreComp into Action: Get Inspired, Make it Happen
This guide is a tool for those individuals and organisations who wish to explore why, when and how they can use EntreComp, the European Entrepreneurship Competence Framework.
External publication | 2021 Education for Social Change: The Case of Teacher Education in Wales
Entrepreneurial education offers valuable opportunities for teachers to foster and enhance creativity and action competence, which are also important for sustainability education. The University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD) is a leader in the development of entrepreneurial education in teacher education both in Wales and internationally.
External publication | 2021 Entrepreneur - entrepreneur - concept, characteristics, character, scientific research
What is the difference between entrepreneurs and salaried management? What forms of entrepreneurship do exist?
External publication | 2021 Entrepreneur - economics
Entrepreneurial activity already existed in the 3rd millennium BC. This is attested to by cuneiform inscriptions in contemporary Iraq.
External publication | 2021 The SME policy after Corona - for a sustainable future
Covid 19, digitalisation, Green Deal – the Mittelstand will face great challenges in the coming years in addition to their sector and size-specific tasks.
External publication | 2021 Moving Contexts Onto New Roads – Clues From Other Disciplines
This paper responds to Welter’s (2011) call to pay more attention to the diversity of entrepreneurship in theorizing contexts by examining how places come to be understood as entrepreneurial.
External publication | 2021 A replication study on growth paths of young firms: Evidence from German administrative data
This replication study contributes to the lively debate about firm-specific growth paths of new firms. Utilizing rich German administrative panel data (i.e., 895,459 young firms that submitted a turnover tax preregistration form between 2001 and 2011), the study empirically revisits new firms’ growth paths as documented in the JBV Insights paper of Coad et al. (2015).
External publication | 2021 Inventions and their commercial exploitation in academic institutions: Analysing determinants among academic
Institutions of higher education are considered to be an important source of innovation and thereby a key driver of economic growth and development. Consequently, efforts are made to facilitate technology transfer from universities into the market.
External publication | 2021 Different strokes for different folks: The job satisfaction of the selfemployed and the intersection of gender and migration background
Migrant enterprises comprise about 10 per cent of all enterprises in Germany and are therefore a crucial part of the German economy and its entrepreneurial ecosystems.