External publications
All publications that IfM scientists have published externally are compiled here.
245 Results
External publication | 2013 The largest family businesses - 4th key figures update
As part of the study series "The largest family businesses in Germany", the IfM Bonn analyzed the balance sheet and P&L data of family businesses with annual sales of 50 million euros or more in the fall of 2013.
External publication | 2013 Determinants of Business Insolvencies During Economic Growth and Recession in Latvia
Apart from reasons that influence insolvencies even in well-established market economies, such as company size and age, education, previous management experience and access to finance, specific environmental conditions play an important role in insolvencies of companies in transition economies. These include illegal and unethical behavior.
External publication | 2013 Dynamics in ICT cooperation networks in selected German ICT Clusters
Cooperations can be a sensible corporate strategy for companies in the innovation process to diversify costs and risks. In regional economics, it is assumed that the number of regional cooperations increases through regional clustering.
External publication | 2013 Reenacting Contextual Boundaries-Entrepreneurial Resourcefulness in Challenging Environments
The essay shows that temporal, historical, socio-spatial and institutional contexts not only influence and limit entrepreneurial behavior, but also give freedom of action.
External publication | 2013 Nonlinear evaluation of status and signal effects
The paper deals with the relative wage position of employees and examines whether a high status increases individual satisfaction or whether a lack of promotion opportunities reduces satisfaction.
External publication | 2013 The Extent of Collective Bargaining and Workplace Representation: Transitions between States and their Determinants. A Comparative Analysis of Germany and Great Britain
Collective bargaining and employee representation are becoming less and less important in many countries - but especially in Germany and Great Britain.
External publication | 2013 Collective Agreement Status and Survivability: Change and Persistence in the German Model
This paper examines the decline of tariff pegging in Germany using cross-sectional and longitudinal data from the IAB Establishment Panel.
External publication | 2013 Engine of success - focus on German medium-sized businesses
In continuation of the study "Engine of Success - Focus on German SMEs", the IfM Bonn has analyzed and evaluated the larger medium-sized companies in Germany for the year 2012 on behalf of the financial services company GE Capital.
External publication | 2013 Entrepreneurial Business and Society
The publication provides an overview of current research in the field of entrepreneurship and small businesses - but especially of the interaction between the entrepreneur, the company and society.
External publication | 2013 Repatriates as entrepreneurs? - A theoretical analysis
Applying the jack-of-all-trades approach and the human and social capital theory, this conceptual contribution sheds light on the question of whether employees who have spent time abroad for professional reasons also have the skills and competencies to start a business upon their return.
External publication | 2013 Does the financial system affects early stage venture capital investments?
Improving access to finance is one of the key factors for increasing the number of innovative business start-ups with high growth potential. In this context, venture capitalists (VCs) have successfully dealt with the problems of financing innovative projects.
External publication | 2013 BDI Mittelstandspanel: Results of the online survey of medium-sized businesses - spring 2013
As part of a long-term study on industrial SMEs in Germany, the IfM Bonn surveyed a fixed group of industrial companies for the 17th time in the spring of 2013 to assess the economic situation and topics relevant to daily politics and business management.
External publication | 2013 Information asymmetries between transferor and successor - challenges and possible solutions using the example of management buy-ins in family businesses
Despite the increasing importance of succession arrangements outside the family, such as MBO and MBI, there are still major research gaps with regard to these succession options. Although information economics is a promising approach to gain a more profound understanding, it has not yet been sufficiently applied in this context.
External publication | 2013 Strategies and Policies to Support the Competitiveness of German Mittelstand Companies
The essay provides a literature overview of corporate strategies and support measures that contribute to the success of German medium-sized companies on national and international markets.
External publication | 2013 Medium-sized enterprises in Germany
As part of the international research cooperation "Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSEs) in Europe" with partners in Italy, France and Spain, the IfM Bonn has for the second time analyzed the economic and financial situation of medium-sized German manufacturing companies with 50-749 employees and annual sales of 15-330 million EUR on the basis of balance sheet data.
External publication | 2013 Nonlinear Evaluation of Status and Signal Effects
The paper uses German panel data to examine the effects of relative standing on individual satisfaction with the job, the propensity to change jobs, and intentions to start-up an enterprise in the near future. The relationship between relative wage positions and job satisfaction is inversely U-shaped.
External publication | 2013 The largest family businesses - spring survey 2013
As part of the study series "The largest family-owned companies in Germany", the IfM Bonn carried out a survey of around 400 of the largest family businesses for the fourth time in spring 2013.
External publication | 2013 Gender identities and practices: Interpreting women entrepreneurs’ narratives
Previous research has shown that current notions of femininity conflict with the role of the entrepreneur.
External publication | 2013 EU Enlargement Effects on Cross-border Informal Entrepreneurial Activities
Border regions have different forms of entrepreneurial activities and offer many examples of informal entrepreneurial activities that have developed and persist due to their respective border location
External publication | 2013 The largest family businesses - 3rd key figures update, winter 2012/2013
As part of the study series "The largest family businesses in Germany", the IfM Bonn analyzed the balance sheet and P&L data of family businesses with annual sales of 50 million euros or more in winter 2012/2013.