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External publications

All publications that IfM scientists have published externally are compiled here.

246 Results

External publication | 2013 The largest family businesses - 3rd key figures update, winter 2012/2013

As part of the study series "The largest family businesses in Germany", the IfM Bonn analyzed the balance sheet and P&L data of family businesses with annual sales of 50 million euros or more in winter 2012/2013.

External publication | 2013 My Wage is Unfair! Just a Feeling or Comparison with Peers?

The article analyzes the connection between wage comparisons and the subjectively perceived fairness of wages. Based on the results of a large German household survey, it can be concluded that people who perceive their wages as unfair in the majority of cases also earn less than comparable persons with fair wages.

External publication | 2013 On the reform of the insolvency law in the area of residual debt discharge according to the government draft

In 1999, some 2.8 million households in Germany were considered over-indebted. Over-indebted persons, both consumers and the self-employed, can settle their old debts through out-of-court settlements, but also by legal means.

External publication | 2013 Medium-sized industrial companies assess economic policy conditions much better

The most important results of the twelfth survey wave of the BDI SME panel show that the economic activities of industrial SMEs have recovered with gratifying dynamism in autumn 2010.

External publication | 2012 BDI Medium-sized Businesses Panel - Fall 2012

As part of a long-term study on industrial SMEs in Germany, the IfM Bonn surveyed a fixed group of industrial companies for the 16th time in autumn 2012 on their assessment of the economic situation and on topics relevant to daily politics and business management.

External publication | 2012 The largest family businesses - Autumn 2012

As part of the study series "The largest family-owned companies in Germany", the IfM Bonn asked the opinion of the largest family-owned companies on the economic situation and current topics for the third time in autumn 2012.

External publication | 2012 Revisiting Procedural Utility: Evidence from European Survey Data

It is generally recognized that self-employed people are more satisfied in their job than employees. In the scientific literature this is regularly explained by the independence and autonomy of a self-employed person.

External publication | 2012 Nonlinear Effects of Comparison Income in Quit Decisions: Status versus Signal!

In the context of employee mobility, the question arises to what extent an employee's decision to terminate an employment contract depends on his relative wage position in the company. Previous studies on this problem have mainly investigated linear effects.

External publication | 2012 Relative Wage Positions and Quit Behavior: New Evidence from Linked Employer-Employee Data

In connection with the decision of employees to quit their previous job, the question arises whether the decision to quit depends more on status or future career prospects.

External publication | 2012 Case Study of High-Tech Gründerfonds

On behalf of the European Commission, the European Network for Social and Economic Research (ENSR), of which IfM Bonn is a German partner, has evaluated state support measures to facilitate access to financing for small and medium-sized enterprises in five member states of the European Union (D, F, GB, PL and S).

External publication | 2012 Development of entrepreneurial personality potentials - an empirical analysis in secondary school II.

The following article presents the planned intervention study in panel design for the development of entrepreneurial potential within the framework of curricularly anchored entrepreneurship education in secondary level II.

External publication | 2012 Regional and company-specific factors for high growth dynamics of ICT companies in Germany with particular emphasis on knowledge spillovers

Two hundred ICT companies based in Germany were interviewed to find out which regional and company specific factors may have a measurable direct impact on corporate growth.

External publication | 2012 Establishment of works councils in small and medium-sized enterprises

While works councils are widespread in large companies, only a minority of small and medium-sized enterprises have an interest representation in the form of a works council.

External publication | 2012 Self-management and insolvency plans - on the situation before the introduction of the ESUG

Among other things, the law to further facilitate the restructuring of companies (ESUG) strengthens the procedural and continuation variant of self-administration by the debtor.

External publication | 2012 The largest family businesses - spring 2012

Within the framework of the study series "The largest family businesses in Germany", the IfM Bonn has, for the second time in the spring of 2012, gathered the opinion of the largest family businesses on the economic situation and current topics.

External publication | 2012 On the influence of owner management on the works council-manager relationship - a theoretical and empirical analysis in medium-sized companies

Whether a company is owner-managed or not is of decisive importance for the existence of a works council. The stewardship theory and the principal-agent theory show different effects of owner-management in this respect.

External publication | 2012 BDI panel of medium-sized businesses - spring 2012

As part of a long-term study on medium-sized industrial companies in Germany, the IfM Bonn surveyed a fixed group of industrial companies for the 15th time in spring 2012 to assess the economic situation and topics relevant to daily politics and business management.

External publication | 2012 German Apprenticeship System

On behalf of the European Commission, the European Network for Social and Economic Research (ENSR), of which IfM Bonn is a German partner, has prepared a comparative analysis of the vocational training systems in nine member states of the European Union (D, DK, E, EST, F, NL, PL, SK, UK).

External publication | 2012 SMEs and demographic change

The currently observed rapid aging and shrinking of the population poses special challenges for companies.

External publication | 2012 Economic results of insolvency proceedings

In 1999, the insolvency law was reformed with the aim, among other things, of increasing the satisfaction of the creditors' outstanding claims and more corporate restructurings.