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External publications

All publications that IfM scientists have published externally are compiled here.

244 Results

External publication | 2016 Doing business in a globalized world - Family business in Germany

Owner- and family-run companies are considered to be significantly more risk-averse in their business activities than manager-led companies.

External publication | 2016 Destination: self-employment

The number of self-employed people is likely to stagnate in the near future or could even fall in view of demographic change. In order to counter this development, it is necessary to soften the reservations about taking up entrepreneurial activity.

External publication | 2016 Self-administered insolvency proceedings as a means of reorganization

In 2012, the insolvency law was reformed with the aim of increasing the chances of insolvent companies to continue their operations. The "Act to Further Facilitate the Reorganization of Companies" (ESUG) strengthens the "self-administration by the debtor" option by making it easier to apply for and implement the law.

External publication | 2016 A Research Agenda for Entrepreneurship and Context

It is increasingly recognized that entrepreneurship can be better understood if one also looks at the different framework conditions. This book presents the challenges for entrepreneurship research that arise from the wide range of contexts.

External publication | 2016 Digitization yes- Industry 4.0 so far under reservation

Due to scarce resources, SMEs often lack the know-how to assess newer ICT applications in terms of their economic relevance or their chances for new business models.

External publication | 2016 Supporting Women Entrepreneurs in Germany

The report contains an overview of current and planned measures to promote entrepreneurial independence for women in Germany, as well as an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of these measures in the areas of entrepreneurial skills, access to financing, and institutional framework conditions.

External publication | 2016 Entrepreneurs and entrepreneur inside in Germany

For a long time, entrepreneurship was associated with patriarchal families. However, a glance at history shows that you don't have to be born to be an entrepreneur.

External publication | 2016 Challenges of Industry 4.0 for mittelstand businesses

Despite the high economic potentials associated with Industry 4.0, medium-sized manufacturing companies are still relatively reluctant to approach the topic. In particular, the evaluation of large data streams for the optimization of process flows or for downstream services is hardly used.

External publication | 2016 Keeping It in The Family: Financial Rewards in Family Firms

Income in entrepreneurial families is characterized by uncertainty regarding the amount and timing of income. In addition, they can be attributed to both the business and the family and cannot be fully recorded, as they include both cash assets and the goods and services that are consumed.

External publication | 2016 SME, medium-sized business, family business: A clarification

It is not the size of a company that determines whether it belongs to a medium-sized company or not.

External publication | 2016 Family Business and Regional Science: Bridging the gap

The paper examines not only the regional role of family enterprises in terms of what family enterprises contribute to regional economic development ...

External publication | 2016 BDI/PwC Mittelstandspanel - autumn 2015

As part of a long-term study on medium-sized industrial companies in Germany, the IfM Bonn surveyed a fixed group of industrial companies for the 22nd time in autumn 2015 to assess the economic situation and topics relevant to daily politics and business management.

External publication | 2015 Selbstständigen-Monitor 2014: Self-employed in Germany 2011 to 2014

This report examines the development of the self-employed and start-ups in Germany in the period 2011 to 2014 on the basis of the microcensus. The total number of self-employed fell from 5,011,000 to 4,947,000 in the period under review.

External publication | 2015 Context, Process and Gender in Entrepreneurship

The book places special emphasis on the behavior of individuals and groups in different contexts. At the same time it looks at individuals and structural factors that shape entrepreneurial activities and small business.

External publication | 2015 Researching Trust in Different Cultures

Trust is not an "objective" phenomenon that can be easily measured and whose understanding is identical in all cultures and states. The understanding and meaning of the term "trust" is rather related to the respective society and is a context-dependent phenomenon that poses problems for measurement and empirical analysis.

External publication | 2015 Italy – Key Issues and Policies

The report provides a comprehensive assessment of the structure and performance of SME and entrepreneurship activity in Italy, the business environment and framework conditions for SMEs and entrepreneurship, the strategic framework and delivery arrangements for policy, national SME and entrepreneurship programmes and the local dimension of the policy.

External publication | 2015 CSR: Opportunities and risks

As resources become scarcer, the interest of politics and research has recently focused increasingly on new concepts of economic action. Behind this are catchwords such as green economy and entrepreneurs with social and societal responsibility.

External publication | 2014 The Routledge Companion to Entrepreneurship

Research in entrepreneurship has been booming, with perspectives from a range of disciplines and numerous developing schools of thought. It can be difficult for young scholars and even long-time researchers to find their way through the lush garden of ideas we see before us.

External publication | 2014 Demo offensive - Using demographic change offensively for medium-sized businesses

The effects of demographic change require a changed work and trust culture as well as innovative personnel and organizational management in small and medium-sized companies.

External publication | 2014 Working poverty of the self-employed - Does gender play a role?

The article analyzes the income situation of self-employed persons, with a special focus on the self-employed in basic security (receipt of unemployment benefit II).